Love Birds

146 13 6

Your POV

I'm so happy for my mum. It's been a year since I've met Byeol and Uncle and now I'm glad to say, she's no longer going to be just my caring friend, but my step-sister too! And Uncle's no longer going to be Uncle, he's going to be Dad! Within this year, the most magical things have happened. We've all clicked together like we were meant to be family from the very start. The wedding preparations are happening as I speak. We're moving in with them today, their house is a lot more spacious that ours. And the wedding's merely seventy-two hours away. Me and Byeol will be getting our nails, makeup and hair done soon and we're going to be twinning in the same outfits. This is definitely going to be one of the sweetest moments of my life. But now, I really don't know how it's going to work. Byeol's still in a relationship with Jungkook, and they're going strong. He still doesn't know anything about all this. Byeol says she has it all under control.

"Hey sis!", she smiles.

"Hi. How are you?", I enquire.

"I'm good. Now listen quick, you stay here and I'll be back in a moment."

"What you up to?"

"Oh you'll see.", she teases my patience.

I sit on their sofa and flick through the channels on the TV. Like she said, she's back in a bit, and with a guest too. I don't have to look twice, I know who it is.

"Surprise!", Byeol shouts.

"She's your step-sister to be?", Jungkook looks shocked.

"She is.", Byeol beams.

All my facial muscles have gone stiff. I can't move a single one of them.

"No, you're joking.", Jungkook says.

"I am not! Isn't it sis?", she defends.

"She's not lying.", I reinforce.

"Now you do what you have to do. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me.", she says as she hops away.

"So...", he hesitates, "So I swear I had no idea you were her step sister to be, but... I... do you want to be my girlfriend?"

I look at him, confused, "But your with Byeol?"

"I was. I was but when I found out that everything that had happened to you, I just couldn't hold back. And Byeol's more than happy to have arranged everything for me herself. You're really lucky now that you'll have her as a sister."

"I... Jungkook... I don't know."

"It's fine if you don't want to."

"No Jungkook, that's not what I mean. It's just, I've rejoined teakwood club but you never even payed attention to me. Where did all this come from?"

"As I said, Byeol did it all for me."

"I... I would love to.", I bite my lip as he hugs me in his embrace for the first time in years.

I'm now fifteen but I feel like I'm five years old all over again. It was all written. He said he's stay by my side forever, and he really kept to it.

"You two done now, love birds?", Byeol smirks.

"Hey!", I jokingly shout and then chase her around the house.

Jungkook POV

I watch as Y/N chases Byeol around the house playfully. It's like when we were young all over again. She'd frozen over but thawed once again. When they both finally come over, panting, I can't help but giggle internally.

"You know... Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok's coming over to the wedding as well.", Byeol announces.

"Really?", Y/N says.

"Wait, you know them as well?", Bye looks surprised.

"Of course. We were friends from way before.", Y/N explains.

"The you're absolutely going to love Namjoon, Yoongi and Jin. We're a group together in school and you can totally be in our clan once you move to our school.", Byeol says.

"Wait? You're moving to our school?", I say.

"I am.", Y/N pronounces.

Oh my god! This is way beyond my dreams. Just then, Byeol's dad and Y/N's mum comes in.

"How are you all?", Y/N's mum asks.

"I'm good thank you, Aunty.", Byeol says politely.

"No need to call me aunty, I'm Mum now.", she corrects warmly.

"Oh yeah. Sorry, I forgot.", she apologises.

When the four of them look at each other, I see true love in their eyes. Y/N's finally found the happiness she deserves and Byeol's found the caring mum she's wanted.

"Oh Jungkook, it's been a really tong time I've seen you. How are you?", Y/N's mum says.

"Annyeonhaseyo, I'm ok thank you."

"That's nice. Your mum will be coming to the wedding, right?", she asks.

"Yes she will be.", I say.

"Tell her I said hi and definitely tell her that she better come over after the wedding. It's been a while and I'd like to catch up again."m she reminisces.

"Ok, now we better get going. Seventy-two hours left till the big day!", Bye's dad cheers.

They both leave, "Omg! They are so goofy!", Byeol comments.

"I think it's cute.", Y/N says.

They look at each other wit a never ending, over flowing sisterly love. Both of them, with are special people in my life and I can't be happier that they've found each other.

"I can't wait to tell the whole school that you two are together. Like tow martial artists show sift love! How cute is that?", Byeol says slyly.

"Hey! Don't do that!", Y/N blushes.

"Oh, watch me.", Byeol dares.

And then they begin to chase each other all over again.

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