What Really Happened 'That Night'

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Your POV

I'll be leaving Korea in three days time. Three years ago, Byeol got into Cambridge University all the way in the UK. She moved shortly afterward, right after the new academic year began so that she could pursue her dreams. I'd been accepted in to the British Taekwondo School Portsmouth but I decided not to join that academic year because I wasn't quite ready to leave everyone behind in Korea. Three years on, I'm finally ready to let go and move on and go to the UK, far from the people I hold dearest. I've finished with all the packing up early so that I can spend my last few moments with the people I love. Jungkook decided to take me to the top of the hill, a little far from the city, one of our most favourite places because on one side, you can see the city skyline and on the other you can gaze at the stars. Even though it's cold, his body heat is enough to keep me warm. Laying next to me, we look at the night sky and stare at it in awe.

"Those there are the Three Kings: Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka,", he explains as he points to three especially bright stars, "Because they're so close to the equator, they're visible in both the northern and southern hemisphere at the same time on pretty much any given day of they year, given the weather permits so."

"Mhmm.", I mumble to show him that I understand.

He breaks from his dreamy trance and looks at me, "You know that girl I like. I want to confess to her, maybe on a starry night like this, but I'm too nervous to. It's the worst feeling ever. Wanting to tell someone something but not doing it because you're scared you'll lose what you already have."

"Trust me Jungkook, that's nowhere near the worst feeling. But should I tell you what is?", I say as I continue to gaze at the heavens.

"What?", he asks.

"Being someone's second choice.", I mumble.

"Tell me who this guy is that keeps you as his second choice. I'm going to beat the crap out of him. You're so beautiful and kind and strong, he either keeps you or leaves you.", he says as he gets a defensive look in his eyes.

"It doesn't matter.", I sigh.

"Tell me. I need to teach him a lesson.", he carries on.

"Seriously. There's no point in telling you.", I say.

"Ok fine. I won't beat the crap out of him. Just tell me who it is because I'm curious."

"Are you sure?"


"It's... you.", I look at him to see his reaction. He looks sad at first but that fades away in to a happy smile. Jungkook, don't you even care?

"Well I'm sorry that I make you feel like that.", he apologises.

I stare him in they eyes, "That's it?"

"Do you know why I told you about the Three kings?", he swiftly changes topic.

I decide to ignore his lack of sympathy and play along with him, "Why?"

"Because even when you're so far away from me, all the way on the other side of the globe in two days time, there might be a day you feel like you're alone. Then you can look at the Three Kings. No matter how far we are, there's always going to be that tiny piece of the sky we share. I love you Y/N.", he explains.

All of a sudden, I'm really confused, "What about that girl you always rant on about?"

He smiles at me, "Haven't you ever thought that this girl sounds so similar to you?"

I think about it. Actually, now it does. But I've been blind with jealousy all this time so I haven't noticed.

"So that girl, she's me?", I quiz.

He nods and blushes. And by some unknown will that binds us two together, we lean in instinctively and kiss for so long and so passionately. This is our story that began seventeen years ago and lasts for another seventeen eternities. You see, a year ago, we made our relationship official. But over time, even though we're so so close, we didn't keep up to the name of this relationship we created. Yes we did share a few kisses and a lot more hugs than friends do but it wasn't what we thought was the perfect picture. Yet none of us forced each other because we both realised that now wasn't the right moment that we wanted to fulfil this perfect picture. So we left it hanging. Seventeen years ago...

Jungkook POV

Seventeen years ago, I was four years old and I met Y/N at taekwondo club. It was all a game of cat and mice at first but now something magical and unimaginable. We've changed a lot and gone through much more yet here we are. I gather up all my courage as I continue to stare at the stars.

"Y/N I don't know how to tell you this and I wish I told you earlier.", I start.

"What is it?", she asks softly.

"We committed to a relationship we didn't stay entirely true to.", I explain.

"Yeah I know. I was thinking about it too.", she reveals.

"Well, here's the thing... you're moving away and it's going to be difficult, but can we start this again?", I question as I look at her for a reaction, but she gives none.

"Jungkook, I love you so very much, beyond levels to explain... and... and I would love to.", she finally mutters.

"Really?", I quiz.

"Really.", she says, "I know it will be infinitely harder than how it would be if we were in the same country but I'm ready for the challenge."

I smile and a tear forms at the corner of my eye.

"Don't cry, I don't mean to make you cry.", she says hurriedly. 

"No, I'm not crying about that. It's just that I was meant to leave you but now you're leaving me. Look at how it's all flipped.", I can't help but laugh.

"None of that matters anymore. Only Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka. I love you.", her voice gets fainter and fainter with every letter as if she's moving impossibly further away, the distance ripping us apart but instilling a new hope at the same time. 

Your POV

I hear my own words get fainter and fainter and my mind begins to blur. I want to tell Jungkook that I'm not feeling good and I start to gasp but I don't want to worry him. As I say Mintaka, something steals my breath and everything suddenly stops...

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