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Your POV

I go to school today just because I want to and I can. The teachers don't question my absence anymore so Mum knows nothing. At the end of the school day, I'm on my way to the alleyway where I usually meet Jiwon. I'm outside the corner shop that me and her wrecked just a few weeks back when I hear three girls chatting. Something about their conversation attracts my attention and I listen in.

"Have you heard?", a girl, which I recognise from school, asks.

"Heard what?", another girl says.

"About alleyway girl.", the first girl says.

A third girl joins their conversation, "Yeah, haven't you heard. She got arrested this morning and the new's spread around every school like wild fire."

"Really? What for?", the second girl giggles.

"There was suspicion that she was dealing drugs and they surprised her this morning at her usual spot and caught her red handed on the spot.", the first girl cackled.

"Omg! She totally deserved it.", the third girl comments.

The second girl smirks, "I know right. She doesn't even deserve to be on the streets yet alone have a home."

"I agree.", the first girl nods, "She should be rid of. You know that thing they do to unwanted dogs?"

"The lethal injection?", the third girl enquires.

"Yeah, they should do that. She doesn't deserve to live. Wretches like her shouldn't be alive.", the first girl says.

I want to go up to them and punch the hell out of them but instead, I run back home. On the way, I pass by the alleyway just to check if what I heard was true. And she really isn't there. I run upstairs and take out a blue bag. Carefully handling its contents, I pour out the white powder on the table. I've done this a few times before and I've seen Jiwon do it almost every single day. Sniffing in a little at the time, I want to drown in its sweet, perfumey scent. it's addictive from the first time, I keep on taking bigger and bigger huffs of it. Mum's not coming home till late today so I can keep this up for a while, undisturbed. Hours pass as it sweet scent drives me crazy.

Jungkook POV

I meet up with Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok today after school. Not to my surprise, the first thing we all start talking about it alleyway girl and how she's been arrested. I don't dare to tell the rest but I wonder if Y/N's found out. She'll die when she finds out. I've seen her. That girl is her life and she can't live a moment without her. I'm just too afraid that she'll go in to a police station and hand herself in for having interference with drugs. 

"I can't believe she's finally been caught.", Taehyung sighs.

"It's about time she's been found. She can't go on terrorising people with her bad influences.", Hoseok says.

"Yeah, I agree.", I comment solemnly.

"Can I have a moment with you?", Jimin asks me.

"Yeah.", I take him to my room, "What is it?"

"I know."

"You know what?"

"I know about Y/N's interference with drugs."

"How do you know?", I look at him, shocked.

"I saw her one day.", he admits.

"Jimin, I swear. You can't tell anyone. Please, don't tell anyone."

"I won't. I won't. But Jungkook, you have to let her go completely. You have Byeol now and she takes such good care of you. Forget Y/N. I don't know what else has to happen to prove to you that she's not the same person she was before."

"I know.", I whisper.

"Please?", he implores.

I reluctantly say, "Fine."

"That's better. Now let's go downstairs, the boys will be wondering what's taking us so long."

"Mhmm.", I agree.

We go downstairs and join the rest. The next few hours can be summarised as thus. We eat and play games on my new game station.

Y/N's Mum POV

I'm exhausted as always when I'm returning home from work. It's dark and our house is quiet as I expect it to be. I open the front door and creep in quietly so that I don't disturb Y/N if she's sleeping. We never talk nowadays. It's as if I'm an absolute stranger to her. Expecting her to be asleep, I flick on the living room light and a series of events unfold before me. Y/N's slumped across the coffee table with white powder all over her. Ther';s even a heap of it next to her.

"Y/N! Y/N! Are you ok?", I scream.

"Yeah.", she says lazily.

I run up to her and hold her in my arms. She's half unconscious and sweaty. Even her breathing rate is slow, "What are you doing?"

"Get off me. Why're you holding me like this.", she swats me away.

"Y/N, what is this?", I shriek, unable to keep calm.

"Don't you know? Don't let your mind play innocent. Here's a clue. It's not cooking flour.", she smiles slyly.

"Whe...where did you get this from?"

"Oh that won't matter."

"Y/N! Tell me something! How long have you been taking this for?"

"Hours today and for months.", she spills everything.

I take out my phone and dial the emergency number. Telling them my address, I quickly get ready. I don't know what to do. How have I been so ignorant that I hadn't realised that my very own girl had fallen in to the trap of drugs. Ever since the incident at school happened when she beat up a girl, I've been so careless towards her. I treated her like an animal, not negotiating a single thing. Of course this happens to me. Of course! I'm such a horrible mother. I won't ever be able to forgive myself if anything happens to my precious daughter. The ambulance takes us away quickly and she's put in to ICU. The paramedics warn me that her condition is critical. I'm sitting in the hospital chairs outside her ward, head in hands. What have I done? A doctor comes out.

"Is she ok? Tell me she's ok!", I shout hysterically.

"I'm so sorry... she's not stable. We're working our hardest but nothing is certain yet.", the doctor sighs.

My precious daughter. What have I done?


A sudden ripping sensation goes through my heart. I can feel my breathing rate and heart rate slow to a dangerously low pace. I feel dizzy and then I fall in to a trance. A trance I'm not sure I'll ever be able to climb out of.

Jungkook POV

I clutch my heart as a sudden ripping sensation kills me from within. I suddenly feel refreshed. I've broken free from her completely. We were once friends Y/N. I'm sorry I had to break my promise. Maybe I really won't be by your side forever.

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