Spring Blossoms

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Y/N's Mum POV

I pass the rest of the night sitting in the hospital chair, head in hands and I continue to cry. What am I going to do? I just don't have enough money to pay for all the expenses but I'd do anything for her. It's not like I have any family connections from whom I can ask for help from. And there's no parents of her friends that I'm close to either. What should I do? Just then, a man approaches me.

"Are you ok ma'am?", he asks courteously.

I compose myself, "I'm fine thank you."

"Is there anything I can bring you? Perhaps a bottle of water? I've seen you here all night and I was wondering if you'd like to have something."

"No thank you sir. How can I have anything when my daughter's in ICU and in critical condition?", I say desperately.

"Ma'am, not having anything won't help. You have to keep strong so that you can take care of her when she's better.", he supports.

"I know but I'm such a horrible mother."

"Please, the cafeteria's not too far from here. Just have a bite.", he pleads.

"Ok.", I agree reluctantly.

He helps me up and guides me to the cafeteria where he orders some food for us both.

"So ma'am, if you don't mind, may I ask what happened to your daughter?", he quizzes.

And it doesn't take anything more than that to bribe me to tell him everything. I tell him everything, very literally. The A to the Z of the situation and for once, I don't even care if he's a stranger. It all spills and litres worth of tears spill too.

"So there you have it. Thank you so much for taking so much time on me.", I express my gratitude.

"No problem. Yu looked like you needed someone to talk to.", he said, "If you need any help, please call this number."

"Can I have your name please?", I ask.

"Jaehwi. Ko Jaehwi.", he answers.

"Again, I can't express my thankfulness properly with all my words.", I bow slightly.

"It's fine. No problem. Now I better get going since I have a meeting to attend.", he smiles.

"Oh yes sir.", I watch him leave.

Just then, a doctor approaches me, "We have some good news. Y/N, she's in a stable condition now and far from danger. Would you like to meet her?"

"Please.", I agree as I thank god for keeping her safe.

"This way.", the doctor takes me to her new care ward.

One look at her face and I'm crying all over again, "Oh Y/N. What have I done?"

She looks as fragile as a new spring blossom. Except she's no longer a spring blossom. Her summer has passed and now she is nothing but a reminisce of the beautiful flower she was. An autumn survivor preparing herself for a long winter. I'll stay by your side till the next spring comes, bringing in another prosperous summer.

She opens her eyes, "Mum?"

"Y/N?", I cup her face in my hands and smother her with kisses.

"Mum?", she persists, "I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what dear? I'm the one at fault for all this.", for once, I'll take the blame.

"Honest?", she asks.

"Honest. Dear, I promise I'll never such a thing happen to you ever again.", I vow, "Now stay quiet and rest. You'll be needing a lot of it."

Your POV

I look at Mum and the guilty tears in her eyes make me want to cry. It's all my fault but she blames herself. Why am I like this? Sometimes, I feel that it would've been better if I just died form what I found out was drug overdose.

"Why are you crying?", she asks.

"Mum, it's my fault. All of this is my fault. You can't blame yourself.", I plead.

"Don't argue about it.", she places her finger on my lip.

We stay in silence for a while before I talk again, "Does Jungkook know about this?"

"No, I thought you weren't friends. But I can notify his mum if you like.", Mum answers.

"No Mum, it's fine. He has his own life now."

"Are you sure?", she says.

"I am. Don't worry.", I smile to reassure her.

"Ok then.", she still looks uncertain, "Oh and one more thing."

"What's that?"

"After you get better, I swear I'll let you rejoin taekwondo again."


"Of course. Don't forget to make your mother proud when you join again."

"Don't worry. That's all on me.", I give her a kiss on the nose.

Jungkook POV

The sun's shining brightly in the sky. I hug Byeol and bring her closer to me, taking in the scent from her hair. She smells like spring blossoms. 

"So where does my blossom want to go today?", I ask.

"Well, there's one place I want to be right now.", she says.

"And where's that?"

"Any place where you are.", she teases.

I grin, "Aww, you're so cute. I know Byeol, there's a fair today. Why don't we go there?"

"That sounds nice.", she says.

We walk slowly, taking in each breath slowly and tucking away each second in our memory book. I'm glad I have someone like her by my side. When we get there, the first thing we buy is a giant candy floss animal. Sharing it, we talk about all the things we want to do today. Suddenly, she leans in close and I instinctively pull back. Even though it's been ages since I've let go of Y/N, I've never quite been able to bring myself to kiss Byeol.

She sees my troubled face, "It's ok Jungkook. You don't have to if you don't want to yet. I understand."

"Thank you.", I say softly, "Thank you so much for loving me even when I'm so unfair to you sometimes."

"Don't say that. You're a lovely boy.", she strokes my hair.

I blush, "Thank you blossom."

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