A Flock Of Paper Cranes

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Your POV

As I walked to Jungkook's house, I gathered up all my courage. Honestly, what was I thinking yesterday when I told him to come over to my house. I barely have anything and when he sees my house, he'll really know just how poor I am. I'm not just poor, I'm too poor for him to be around. I wouldn't day that he's rich but he's in a much better place than me. Promising me that he'd always take to my side, I'm not sure just how sincere he is. Maybe I'm subconsciously checking out his sincerity.

"Hi!", I greet as usual.

"Hey! How are you?", he asked.

"I'm good. Are you ready?", I said.

"Mhmm. But would it be fine if my mum came along?", he quizzed.

"Sure, it's fine."

"Ok, let me just call her."

He went inside and I heard him call for his mum. Soon, they were both out and ready to come to my house. 

"Annyeonghaseyo aunty.", I said out of politeness.

"Annyeonghaseyo dear, how are you?", she enquired.

I realised that I've never actually spoken to her, "I'm fine, thank you."

We walked in silence for a while, "You're very sweet. I've seen you with Jungkook. You're great friends.", his mum complimented.

"Thank you aunty.", we arrived in front of my house and I knocked on the door.

"Come in. Come in.", Mum bowed.

"Please, there's no need to bow.", his mum said.

They sat in the room which we use as the living room, dining room and leisure room. 

"Let me get some tea.", my mum rushed in to the kitchen.

We all sat around the small table and stared at each other. After what seemed like ages, Mum came with the tea, "Why don't you show Jungkook around?", Mum prompted.

"Ok.", I said and we both left our mum's to talk.

"So this is it.", I awaited his judgement as I opened my bedroom door. In total, our house had four rooms. The kitchen, my bedroom, a bathroom and the other room which my mum uses as her bedroom and as the living room.

Jungkook POV

When she opened the door, light streamed in to the dark corridor. White walls and a small white cupboard. A little bed with plain white sheets. Everything was white except a display of a flock of paper cranes that hung above her bed. It caught my attention straight away and as I carefully analysed the birds, I realised I recognised some of the materials. My birthday card, the sweets I gave her and a little drawing that I gave to her on one of our play dates.

"Wow.", I said quietly.

"Sorry, it's not much. I know it must seem disappointing.", she apologised.

"No, don't say that. This is amazing. did you do it yourself?", I asked, looking at her.

She tucked away a stray hair behind her ear and said, "When somebody gives me something or there's some material from a special event, I usually make it into a paper crane if it's possible. I believe that the memory is preserved if it's one of these birds because I can always look up to them and remember what story they have behind them."

"Wow. It's so beautiful.", I continue to gush at it.

"Thank you.", she says, "I used some of your sweet wrappers and your birthday card."

"I love your house Y/N. It's not like mine. There's not too much but everything there is, it's there for a reason."

"No you're lying.", she says.

"Seriously, I do like it.", I insist.

"Really?", she looks at me with big eyes.

"Mhmm.", I mumble as i got lost in the world of cranes again.

"Oh, when I told you to come to my house yesterday, I was really nervous. I didn't know why I asked you to come over but I did and then I couldn't just stop you. I was thinking that you wasn't going to like me because I'm so poor.", she admits.

"I'm your friend. I don't care if you're poor or rich.", I say.

Your POV

The boy who didn't like me because I was a girl. The same boy who doesn't care that I'm poor. Has he really changed that much? And more importantly, did I change him this much?

We both go back to the room that our mum's are in, only to see that their well in to a conversation.

"It's getting late. We better head back.", Jungkook's mum says.

"Ok, but be sure to come again.", Mum says.

"Of course and you guys must come over to our house."

"We will.", they slowly progress to the door.

"Bye Y/N.", Jungkook says.

"Bye.", we give each other hug before he goes home with his mum. This really wasn't as bad as I thought. 

"He's a lovely boy.", Mum said.

"I know eomma."

"I'm glad you two became friends.", she says.

Jungkook POV

By the time we get home, it's quite dark outside. The sun's no longer in sight. I'm just about to go upstairs when I see Dad approach Mum in the kitchen. I hide behind the door and watch.

"So you're encouraging him too are you?", Dad questions.

"It's nothing like that. I'm just happy he's making friends.", Mum says.

"Oh that's not true at all. Trying to find your voice after so many years of silence. Don't you dare, the results won't be so nice.", Dad threatens.

"Please, he's happy with her. Not for me, but for him. Just let it go.", Mum defended.

"Don't use my son against me.", Dad grabbed Mum's hair, "Don't you dare."

Mum squealed but she didn't shout. I gasped out of shock and both my parents froze and looked this way. I tried my hardest to not even breath.

"I'll be on my way now.", Dad finally released Mum and as he left, she stood there, vulnerable. She rubbed her scalp.

I ran all the way to my bedroom and buried my face in my pillow. how long has this been going on for? And why didn't I notice? Is it because Dad was the only one I believed for all these years?

I didn't know there was going to be any abuse in this chapter. I was just going to include a little argument but since Jungkook's dad's character is like that, I decided to take it a little further. With in a few years (in this story), this argument will be really significant so don't forget it. 

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