Success Or Failure?

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Your POV

Mum, Dad and I are all clustered around Byeol who's holding a white envelope that's just been freshly delivered.

"Ready?", Dad takes a deep breath.

"Mhmm.", she nods and quickly slides out the letter in the envelope.

We all scan our eyes over the printed writing and there's an outburst of squeals and screams suddenly. Byeol bursts in to tears and I begin to jump up and down in excitement.

"You did it!", I shout.

She nods and wipes away her tears, "I can't believe it."

"Well I can, you worked so hard for this.", I cheer her on.

"Oh Byeol, you've waited your whole life for this moment.", Dad says.

"I'm so proud of you.", Mum whispers as she hugs her tight.

"Well go on then. Call Jungkook, he's waiting for you.", I say.

Ok.", she takes a deep breath and calls him, "Hello?"

"What happened? Tell me!", he shouts almost instantly.

"I got in with a medicine course!", she shares.

There's a moment of silence from the other side of the phone and then a ring at the door. I go to open the door.

"Jungkook?", I say in surprise, "What are you doing here?"

"I've come here to celebrate her success, duh.", he says as he brings in a cake. Aunty's here too.

"Haha, so you were watching the whole time?", I giggle.

"Obviously.", he runs up to Byeol and hugs her, "Oh I'm so happy for you."

"Thank you.", she says.

Byeol's had a dream to study in Cambridge University with a medicine course and after years of hard work, she's finally achieved her goal. Oh, I'm so happy. But I'm also equally nervous, within an hour's time, a letter arrives for me. This letter determines whether I can attend British Taekwondo School Portsmouth. Unlike her, I've decided university just isn't the place I want to go. I'll be going straight to an educational institution where I can take my taekwondo even further. The more I think about it, the nerves just reach me more until I feel absolutely overwhelmed. I quickly head to my room.

Jungkook POV

I see a flustered expression flash across Y/N's face as she heads to her room upstairs. I decide to follow her and see what's going on. She heads to her room. I knock on the door.

"Who is it?", she calls.

"Me, Jungkook.", I answer.

"You can come.", she says.

I open the door and approach her where she's standing at the balcony.

"You ok?", I ask.

"Yeah. Why?", she says.

"I don't know, you look tense.", I spill.

"I sort of am.", she admits.

"How come?"

"You know, within an hour, my letter comes that either tells me I'm going to British Taekwondo School Portsmouth or not. I'm just scared because what if I let everyone down?", she sighs.

"Well princess, why are you thinking like that in the first place?", I question.

"I don't know. I just feel like Byeol's worked a lot harder. She's amazing and inspiring. She works hard, she's determined and you've seen her grades. And she's such a dedicated ballerina too. The strength she holds, I'm wowed every time.", I gush.

"Oh sis.", Byeol approaches us from behind, "Have you ever seen how hard you work?"

Y/N looks surprised, "You're listening?"

"I'm sorry but  when I saw you looking upset as I was passing by, I just had to see what's the matter.", Bye explains.

I throw her a smile, "Did you like the cake?"

"It's fantastic. Thanks.", Byeol says.

"Ok guys, let's go downstairs and celebrate. I don't want you to be sad because of me, I just guess it's the last minute nerves.", Y/N says.

"Yeah, it is just last minute nerves, I bet you did amazing.", I support.

"Mhmm. now let's go and have some more cake.", Byeol says as she drags us.

Your POV

There's another ring at the door, it's the postman. I take the letter and thank him before he leaves. My eyebrows furrow with worry as the family clusters around me. I slip out the paper fast and read it quickly. As the news sinks in, I take a breath. My reaction's very different from Byeol's. No squealing or jumping from myself but a lot from the others. When I was four, I begged Mum to let me join taekwondo because I believed I could achieve anything even though I was a girl. Mum supported me and even though she often couldn't pay for her own food, she never stopped taking me to the club. It's been fourteen years since then and so much has already happened. But one thing hasn't changed... Jungkook promised he would be by my side all the time and that promise, he's never broken.

"I'm proud of you princess.", Jungkook hugs me.

"Thanks., I whisper back.

I go to my room again and look around from my balcony. Unlike Byeol, all this shouting and screaming isn't something I can take. When I achieve something, I take the moment away to spend it with myself. Jungkook comes in again and gives me a back hug.

"Are you proud of yourself finally?", he asks.

"Of course.", I smile.

He leans in infinitely close and pecks my lips.

"Haha.", he chuckles.

"Ugh, such a tease.", I say and then I pull him in closer and kiss him harder.

"The best you got?", he raises his eyebrows.

"Nah, I would give you more but unfortunately I don't have a life ring to throw you when you drown in me.So maybe a late occasion...", I say with a mischievous smile playing on my mouth.

"Ah, let me drown in you princess. I don't need a life ring to save me because you are my air.", he says.

"So cringe.", I comment.

"You started it.", he points out.

"Ok fine, let me end it too.", I smirk.

"Nuh-uh, I'm going to win this.", and he kisses me again.

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