Stolen Breath (Jungkook POV)

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Jungkook POV

We both lie there for the whole night. I finally feel complete, as if I've taken a big weight of my chest. She lays there silently with her eyes closed. So peaceful and ethereal, my princess. The grass is soft and as the breeze gently blows, it lulls me to sleep. My eyelids feel heavy and bit by bit, I don't realise that I fall asleep.

"I love you princess.", I whisper to her.

When I wake up again, I'm no longer underneath a sky filled with stars. I get up, disorientated for a little while before I realise that I'd fallen asleep and that me and Y/N had stayed here the whole night. Our parents are going to be so worried. I quickly get out my phone and give my Mum, Y/N's mum and dad a quick text telling them where we are and that we're fine. I look at Y/N, she's in the same position as she fell asleep yesterday and she looks like a different kind of beauty now that it's day time. I softly nudge her so that she wakes up, as much as I want to stare at her all day, I know that we'll have to get going soon, we've spent long enough here. 

"Y/N.", I whisper, "Get up."

There's no response from her. Either she's in a really deep sleep (then I get what she means when she says she sleeps like a baby) or she's pretending. I judge her again but with a little more power this time. I wait for her to respond but she still doesn't. I giggle.

"I know you're joking around. You're awake babe.", I say, "Come on, stop teasing me and get up."

I expect her to open her eyes a little or give a tell-tale flinch as she tries to contain her laughter but there's none. Wow, she's become a really good actor over time but I have a plan that will never fail me. I slide my in to the crook of her neck and begin to tickle her. Obviously she's going to begin squirming and screaming, asking me to stop and forgive her. But she doesn't react at all and I get worried really suddenly. I begin to push her and shake her about but she doesn't move. 

"Y/N? Y/N!", I shout, "Y/N wake up!"

I look around frantically and my heartbeat is ringing in my head. We're on top of a hill, far away from anyone that could potentially help me. I take out my phone and dial the emergency number and someone picks up immediately.

"Hello?", they say.

"Erm...", I begin to speak at a speed I've never done before. I tell them all the information and they say that an ambulance is in the way.

I text Mum and tell her and she says that she's coming as quickly as she can. I don't have the nerve to tell Y/N's parents because Y/N was under my care for a night and yet I couldn't keep her safe. I tell Mum and she says that she'll inform them for me. Mum get's here before the ambulance does, apparently she was driving to work which is around here. I just sit there in shock, not knowing what to do. How was I so careless? Did it all happen last night and then I didn't notice? Y/N's parents arrive soon and hug the body of their lifeless daughter. Y/N herself is still on the floor like a pretty doll without a will of its own. I can't bear to see her, I just cry more. the ambulance finally comes and takes Y/N away. Her parents follow in their car and Mum follows them with me in the back seat.

"What happened?", Mum questions.

"Mum, I swear it wasn't on purpose. I would never do anything like that.", I plead for her to believe me.

"Just tell me what happened.", she continues sternly.

"We were just talking and lying there and she suddenly went quiet, I thought she was asleep so I didn't bother her but I fell asleep to. When I got up today morning, this is how I found her.", I murmur as I recall the events.

"Jungkook.", she sighs.

"Mum please, I swear on my life that I didn't mean to do it. It was all an accident.", I beg.

"I know... I would like to tell you that she's ok but I really don't know.", she says. I know it's meant to comfort me but it only worries me more.

"Oh I'm so stupid. I had her for myself for a day an I couldn't make sure she was safe in that short time span. I'm such a horrible person.", I cry.

"Please, we all know it was an accident, don't cry and just pray.", Mum reassures.

"Mhmm.", I mumble and look down.

I promised to forever protect my princess from everyone and yet I never guessed that I could be the reason to jeopardise her. Please tell me... please tell me, is this one of those love stories where they die before their romance even begins? Romeo and Juliet had such an intricate relationship but the flower they grew so carefully died before it ever got the chance to bloom...

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