Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka.

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Your POV

When they announced my name on gold yesterday, I couldn't contain my happiness. I was jumping up and down so much. Byeol had driven over to show some support for me. I finally feel successful and now I'm at Heathrow airport with my bag packed with awards and medals and trophies I've collected over the years. I can finally fly home for the first time in four years as a graduated martial artist. Byeol will be coming home with me too. She's finished her medical course at Cambridge with one of the best grades possible. Everything feels magical. I bet they're all over at my house right now, watching the championships and wondering who's won. The whole show's over fifteen hours, they can't be serious telling me that they're ready to watch it all because my show times are scattered all through out the playing time due to the fact that I participated in several categories. Fifteen hours should be enough to get to Korea, drive home and get there just in time before hey announce the over all winners. Well, that's the plan at least. We board the plane together and Byeol dozes of instantly, she's been working her butt of for the last thirty six hours. I watch her sleep peacefully and smile. Putting on a movie, I try keep calm as the plane slowly glazes through the sky. 

Jungkook POV

Me, Mum, Aunty and Uncle are all crowded on to the sofa, ready to watch the championships repeat together. None of us know what the results are because we all refrained from checking so we can find out together. This show's fifteen hours long but we're determined to watch it all. We've even stashed up on snacks to get us through. 

"Ready guys?", Uncle asks.

"Ready.", I nod excitedly.

This is like when I was a little kid and my favourite show would come on, I always used to get so excited for it. Today's my birthday and everyone's wished me a happy birthday. We also had a little party which we finished off with a cake. The only reason I feel a little odd is that bye's even wished me a happy birthday but Y/N hasn't been online all day. She never forgets my birthday. but I'm not disappointed or anything, that girl's just been to the biggest competition of her life, she must be exhausted. But I'm also worried because what if she didn't do well so that's why she's off mood and didn't wish me a birthday. Well, stop thinking like that Jungkook. obvsiouly she aced it. I settle down in the little space I have and the opening credits begin...

Byeol POV

I get up, I'm so tired I didn't even realise that I fell asleep as soon as I got comfortable. The last three days have been so hectic for me but anything for Y/N. She'd supported me so much throughout the for years she's been here. It's the least I could do for her. It looks as if Y/N's already ordered the food for me because it's set out for me but now her meal has been all finished up and she's asleep. But then I look closer. Aw! Poor thing. She'd fallen asleep half way through eating because her cheeks are stuffed with food and she looks like a squirrel. I have my lunch and I throw her remains away with mine. I check the map, we're almost near Korea, just flying over Japan. A few hours and the chaos starts all over again. I can't imagine how tiring it must've been for Y/N to perform stunts for fifteen hours and now fly as well. We're going to make it. 

Your POV

The plane announcements begin and I awake. I start chomping on the food that must've been in my mouth for hours.

"Oh, you're awake just in time. We're about to land.", Byeol informs.

"Huh? Oh, I didn't even realise I've been asleep for so long.", I say.

"You've had a tiring week, it's not a surprise. Well now we better get ready to drive back home fast. I've pre-arranged a taxi. We only have one hour to get through the airport and drive home according to my calculations.", she says.

"Do you think we'll get there?', I get nervous.

"I think we can, we have to be fast.", she says.

The plane slows to a stop on the run way and all the security procedures begin. We rush through as many of them as we can.

"Got everything?", Byeol asks.

"Yup.", I say and we run all the way to our taxi.

"To this location please.", Byeol shows him our home's location on the phone, "As fast as possible please, we're in a little rush."

"Of course ma'am.", luckily the taxi driver is kind so he takes all the short cuts possible to get us home.

"Thank you so much.", I kay him a little extra for the cooperation, "It means a lot."

"You're welcome young lady. Have a good day.", he says bye as he helps us up with our luggages, "Must feel good to be home, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it does, bye.", I agree.

He goes away and I ring the door bell. I hear Jungkook say, "Who it it?"

There's a few mumbles and groans from the other side of the door and then finally the lock clicks open. I hear Byeol take a gulp of breath.

"Y/N? Byeol?", it Jungkook.

A smile instantly spreads across my face when I see him. It really is good to be home.

"It's us.", Byeol says.

"Oh my god, what're you guys doing here?", he says.

Mum asks from behind, "Who is it?"

Byeol goes in and hugs them all, "We're back!"

"It's you guys.", Dad says.

I kiss Jungkook so hard, it's been a long time I've felt so good. And then the big announcement is made on the TV.

"And in first place is... Y/N!", the commentator says.

I take out my gold medal which I'm wearing under my coat, "I did it!", I smile.

And they all give me such a tight hug of warmth and love.

Jungkook and Your POV

Our fates were entwined from the start, we didn't give up and we made it work. And here we are now... Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka. They kept us together. One history in one person. One star in one person. 7 billion different worlds. 7 billion lights. The universe moved for our love story, it was etched in to the book of fate since the beginning of time. This is our story that began seventeen years ago and lasts for another seventeen eternities.

Finally... this book is finished and as usual, I feel a sudden emptiness and heart ache as I leave the characters that I've very carefully and lovingly made on the page. I wish I could carry them with me to the next page but that won't be possible. A lot of the lines and moments in here are inspired from the Geek Girl series by Holly Smale which are my favourite comfort series so please read them too, they change the way you think and trust me she's a way better writer than me :) Thank you for everyone who read this, thank you for supporting meee. I've developed so much from my first story I wrote on here and now I have an even bigger Wattpad family here. Thank you for smiling with my characters and crying with them too. Whatever emotion this story made you feel, thank you for ever reading it in the first place... I love you moonchildren.

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