We Get Through This Together

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Your POV

"Bye Byeol, remember, we get through this together!", I shout as I drive away.

"We get through this together!", she shouts in reply.

I drive away and embark on my lengthy journey to my university. Multiple hours later, I finally arrive. I feel lethargic from sitting for so long but I trudge out of the car and get out my luggages and approach my new home. It's sweet and small, a little place I can call mine. I put my luggages in one corner and call it a day as I get refreshed and place myself on the bed, probably permanently till the next morning. I type away on my laptop when a little notification pings p on the corner. It's a video call from Jungkook. I scramble up and pick it up.

"Hiya!", I shout excitedly.

"Hey babe.", he smiles. The picture is pixelated but it's something.

"How are you?", I ask.

"I'm missing you too much.", he pouts.

"Me too. I want a hug.", I say in baby voice.

"Aw, my little cutie.", he boops my nose through the screen.

"I love you so much!", I squeal.

"Me too.", he agrees, "I'm glad that you're settled and happy now. Where are you?"

"I'm in my own place in Pourtsmouth.", I say.

"Ooh, show me around please.", he says and I take the laptop around and show him the place as well as getting to know it myself.

"There you go.", I present to him.

"It's a nice place.", he compliments.

"Thank you. It's actually already furnished but I'll be adding my own touched as well.", I say.

"Sounds good. How's Byeol doing?", he quizzes.

"She's mad at you fro being mad at her. She's going through hard times as well.", I tell him.

"Sorry, Please ask her to forgive me, It was in the heat of the moment.", he apologises.

"I'll tell her but I think she's already forgiven you."

"I hope."

I take the laptop to the window and show him the sky. It's currently night here. My house is on top of a hill so the light pollution is well below and that means I can see the stars properly. I adjust my internal map and find the three stars I'm looking for.

"See those?", I point at three bright stars.

"Yup.", he laughs because he was the one who showed me them first.

"Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka.", I say, "They're mine for now but within a few hours, they'll be yours again."

"I know.", he says sweetly, "Cherish them whilst you have them."

There's not a lot of the sky we share but if there's one part it's those there pretty starts just on the edge of what part of the sky is mine. I bring the laptop back to the bed.

Jungkook POV

I watch her move back to the bed before she turns the camera to her direction, I kiss the camera.

"What was that for?", she questions.

"Take my love.", I say.

The page begins to bur and everything becomes pixelated again, "Damn the wifi."

"Oh, it's happening here too.", she frowns.

And then it crashes and the call stops. I don't call her back again and instead I let her pretty image sit in my mind. A few days back, I had sleep paralysis. I couldn't wake up from my nightmare and it scared me because for a while I thought I really was done for. I was sweating and I swear I was yelling too but no one could here me. Thank god I'm fine now. I haven't had it myself but I've seen Mum have it before and it's absolutely horrific. 

Your POV

I go to the window and sit there for a bit. All the stars shine so brightly, all glowing beautifully. Tomorrow, I'll be starting at my institution. I go check my uniform is immaculate and practice all the patterns I've learnt that so far. I honestly can't wait till I start because I know everyday will be amazing since it will be spent doing something I love as well as making people proud. I have a long journey awaiting me and I can't wait to start it because I know I'll make it to the end this time.

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