From Above

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Your POV

"Love you babes. Have a safe journey.", Jungkook says.

He hugs me so so tight that he's about to crush the life out of me but I don't stop him because this might be the last hug we share in years. 

"I love you too. I'll text you as soon as I can.", I promise.

"Ok, I'll be waiting.", he smiles.

The last call for the flight departure calls but I don't want to go just yet. I hug my parents and Jungkook one last time before I go through the security gates and away. The last physical meeting with my family in years possibly. Taking a deep breath, I board the plane and the procedures begin. I've never felt so lonely before. Within a few hours, I'll meet Byeol who'll be waiting for me at the airport all the way in London. I stay a week with her before I move to Portsmouth in a little house that my parents arranged for me. The plane takes of within an hour and as the wheels lift of the ground, my soul flies out of me. It's as if I'm leaving my heart and soul in Korea and taking my mind and body with me to England so that I can study. I wonder how long I can stay separated like this without losing my essence. Plugging in the headphones the airline has supplied, I begin to listen to some music to calm my fleeting mind. TXT is my favourite boy band at the moment and their songs are just amazing. I listen to Song Cry, a cover by Yeonjun, the oldest member of the group. The vocals sweetly calm me and sing me to sleep.

Jungkook POV

I feel an odd emptiness as I watch her flight take of in the air after an hour of her leaving my arms. Tears begin to put from my eyes, I feel like crying my soul out.

"It's fine Jungkook, she'll be back before you know it.", Mum comforts as she squeezes my shoulder. She too, looks teary. 

"I hope so.", I nod.

We drive away from the airport and with every second that passes, me and Y/N get physically further and mentally closer. When we finally arrive home, I don't take a moment to get out and rush to my room. I never cry in front of my mum because I don't want to make her upset. I bury my face in my pillow and sob my heart out till I have no energy to even breathe.

"Jungkook dear, are you fine?", Mum knocks on my door.

"Yes Mum.", I shout back.

"Ok, I've prepared some lunch, come down to eat.", she says.

"Ok, I'll be down in ten minutes.", I say as I wipe away my tears.

There's a message on my phone.

Y/N: hey! 

Jungkook: hiiiii

Jungkook: in UK already?

Y/N: not yet, thousands of miles away still but just wanted to say hey

Jungkook: oh

Y/N: can't believe i fell asleep already, woke up just in time for food.

Jungkook: hehe

I type 'hehe' but honestly, my heart is drained from heartache already. I leave the convo there but Y/N texts again two minutes later.

Y/N: what's wrong?

Jungkook: wdym?

Y/N: ik something's wrong, u never continued the convo

Jungkook: I'm just missing u

Y/N: same, i kinda wanna come back

Y/N: but my parents gave me so much, i can only repay them by educating myself and fulfilling their dreams, after all this is my dream too

Jungkook: yh, i understand

Y/N: I'm sorry jungkook

Jungkook: for what?

Y/N: i left u

Jungkook: don't be sad, we'll see each other at the end of this long winter

Y/N: Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka

Jungkook: mhmm

Y/N: i gtg, they're asking us to close our phones.

Jungkook: ok bye princess 

Y/N: bye

Your POV

I close my phone after replying to Jungkook. Staring out of the window, looking at the world from above makes everything look so different. The world, for a little bit, doesn't seem just as big and scary. I enjoy the view from above and think about the near future. I'll be seeing Byeol soon and she'll be over the moon to see me I bet, it's been so long she's met us in flesh and blood. I can just imagine her hugging me so tight with her ballerina muscles. 

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