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Jungkook POV

I wake up and hear snuffling. I quickly rush downstairs where the noise is coming from. Mum's sitting with her head in hands.

"Eomma, what's wrong?", I rush to her.

"Oh you're awake. Have you had breakfast?", she clears her tears.

"That wasn't the question. Why're you crying?"

"It's fine, don't worry."

"Please tell me.", I beg.

"It was all a trap Jungkook.", she spills suddenly.

"What was a trap?", I question.

"The new job and moving to Seoul. We're staying here.", she says firmly.

"But what do you mean? I thought you were promoted and that's why we were going to Seoul."

"That's what I thought too.", she snuffles again, "But it was all a trap."

I bring her a tissue, "Don't cry."

"How can I not? Do you know who tried to make us fall in to this trap?", she looks at me with eyes full of desperation.


"Your dad. He's back."

"What!", I shout.

"Yes, your dad did it. He offered to pay my boss a fortune if I was moved to Seoul. He wants us back. But does it look like I want him back?"

Fury runs in my veins. He already played one game with us, and now he's attempting another game? I'm so done with him and all his plans. He's lost us now, he should've thought before what he did to Y/N. Now that he wants us back, I wonder if he's thought if we want him back.

"Did you refuse the offer?", I ask.

"Mhmm. Straight away when Riya told me. She works closely with the boss and when she found out all of this, she told me right there and then. I'm so thankful to her."

"You did the right thing.", I mumble, "Now you shouldn't cry. We're away from the danger so you should be happy. Can you smile for me?"

She gives me a teary eyed smile, the one only the strongest of women can give. I squeeze her hand and give her a hug. Dad's not here anymore, and I'm more than prepared to take his share of love that he owes Mum. I internally sigh, I was planing to come clean and tell Y/N that we were going to move but with the coming of this news, I feel a thousand times lighter. I go upstairs and bring my phone.

Jungkook: hey!

Y/N: hi, hru?

Jungkook: I'm good.

Y/N: nice

Jungkook: so... there's something i wanted to tell u

Y/N: what is it?

Jungkook: the thing is... we were meant to move to Seoul soon

Y/N: oh

Jungkook: but hold up!!

Jungkook: change of plan, we're staying right where we are :)

Y/N: nah, ur messing with me

Jungkook: i am not!

Y/N: oh rlly?

Jungkook: yes and I'll even explain y we're not moving if u come over.

Y/N: be there in an hour then :3

Jungkook: c ya

Your POV

When I'm properly up, I tell high five Byeol and tell her that the plan worked. Jungkook doesn't know that I actually knew this from a long time before. Any outside of the situation would think that I'm trying to stop Jungkook from leaving Busan but the truth's far from that. When I took an overall view of his situation, something seemed a little odd to me. So I contacted Riya. Riya is Mum's friend and also a person who works at Jungkook's mum's workplace. Through her, I obtained information no one else could, of course all this done with the help with master mind Byeol. I found out that this was all a trap that Jungkook's dad was operating and made sure that his mum found out too as soon as possible. All of it's just a little handy work. We have breakfast and then make our way to his house.

"Hiya!", Byeol greets loudly.

"Hey!", Jungkook responds, "How you doing?"

"Great. Nice to know that you're staying.", Byeol says.

"I take it that Y/N's already told you?", he says.

"Obviously. How could she not tell me?", she says.

"Woohoo you two! I exist as well, you know.", I wave my arms around for attention.

"Oh yeah, come in.", he lets me in and we all sit in the living room.

As he munches on his breakfast, he tells us about the whole thing through mouthfuls of cereal, "So yeah."

I catch Byeol's eye and we both smile and share an unsaid joke, "Ah ok. Well, we're both very glad that you're staying."

"Mhmm.", she nods along.

We spend the rest of the day outside. It's very warm and sunny these days, it's taking me a while to adjust to such warmness. Something's are best left unsaid. I could tell him about what Byeol and I did but then it wouldn't seem just as magical. It's the little gestures that count in a relationship. It's not about getting those big houses and big cars. It's the small everyday things that show the true force of love someone has for the other. 

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