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Y/N Mum's POV

"Hello Mrs Jeon.", I said wiping away my tears. 

"Hello, how are you and Y/N?", she asked.

Not wanting to waste any more time, I rush on, "Actually, I called about Y/N."

"Oh ok.", she's taken aback for a while, "What is it?"

"Is Y/N with Jungkook?"

"No. Why do you ask?", she suddenly sounds concerned.

"I-I, she went t-to school today and she didn't come b-back. At first I thought she went over to spend some time with Jungkook like she d-does sometimes but it's getting late and she's not here yet.", I stutter as I struggle to hold back tears.

"She's not home? But it's already eight 'o' clock. Where could she be?", she says.

"I don't know.", I feel distraught and confused. Where did she go?

"I'll be right over."

"Ok.", I hang up and wait for her to come over. I would call the police but not just yet. I don't have the courage to admit that she might be lost.

Jungkook POV

"Jungkook, get ready quickly. We're going over to Y/N's house.", mum said.

"Eomma why?", I asked. I'd love to meet her right now but this doesn't look good. Mum's worried and she's panicking. What's happened?

"No questions now. We need to go there quickly.", Mum said. I did as she said and quickly went and put on some clothes. In no time, we were already speed-walking to her house. Mum knocked on their door desperately and Y/N's mum opened the door immediately. She looked as if she's been crying for a while now.

"Come in.", she said.

We went in and sat on the chairs in the living room. I need to know what's going on. Y/N's mum was sitting on one side of the room and quietly sobbing in to her hands. My mum got up and comforted her.

"Have you reported to the police?", Mum asked.

"No.", Y/N's mum whispered.

"Every second matters. We need to report now. Should I do it for you?", Mum questioned.

Her mum handed Mum her phone and after a few rings, a police officer picked up.

"Hello?", a croaky voice said.

"Hello. This is Mrs Jeon. I'm calling from... what's the address?", Mum asks.

Mum explains everything to the police officer and in the process I understand some of the scenario. Y/N's missing? Her mum's still sobbing in the corner.

"I'm so sorry I'm such a mess.", she apologised.

Mum strokes away a hair from Y/N's mum face, "Don't worry dear. She'll come back.", I can see that her face has gone red too. Mum never cries but you can see that she changes a bit when she's upset. 

Your POV

"Come on little girl. Why're you so scared? I'm just an uncle and I promise I won't hurt you.", the man said.

I tried to say something but it just came out as mumbles because of the fabric wrapped tightly around my mouth.

"I promise I won't hurt you. I just need to teach you a lesson.", he snarled. The man took of his mask and I gasped. Jungkook's dad?

Jungkook POV

Soon enough, I could hear police sirens down the street. And even faster than that, they were already in the house, questioning both adults. I hid in the corner and tried to listen as much as possible. Turn's out they already released a few cars to look for her just incase she got lost. But there's been no report of her just yet. The officers called her school and even Sehjun's parents but she was nowhere. 

"My daughter. She's not like this. She wouldn't go anywhere without telling me.", her mum gasped. She was frantic now, pacing the room crazily and crying, "No no. I didn't raise her like that."

"Please. Don't cry. She'll be found soon.", Mum comforted but she too looked hopeless.

"But where is she? It's ten 'o' clock. Y/N!", she shrieked.

"Let me get you a tea whilst you freshen up. Panicking won't help.", Mum clutched her hand and willed stability in to her.

"Thank you.", Y/N's mum looked at mine with a sincere look before she went. 

Your POV

"I need only one thing from you. Stay away from my son. That's all I want. But I know just saying that won't stop you. This is why I need to teach you a lesson like this. but don't you worry too much. I'll release you by tomorrow morning. And one more thing, if you dare tell anyone that I'm the one who did this to you, you'll pay the price.", Jungkook's dad said.

I mumbled some more. My hands were aching from being tied to the hooks for so long and so were my ankles. The ropes had dug deep in to my skin from all the struggling and every breathe was painstaking. 

"Want to say something little bunny?", he said.

I nodded. He probably wouldn't free me anyway. Just teasing me aren't you?

To my surprise, he removed it, "What is it?"

"You can do what you like but I won't stop being friends with Jungkook. It's his life and he should live it the way he likes, mixing with the people he likes!", I screamed.

"Little bunny trying to be a strong little lion? You watch what you get for talking to me in that tone.", he brought out a small in section and as I thrashed about, he dug it deep in to my wrist, "There you go."

I felt drowsy as he put the fabric back on my mouth. Suddenly, there was a large sound of a crash and a dozen police officers barged in to the room, "We found her."

Jungkook POV

"What? Where is she?", her mum screamed as soon as one of the officers announced that she had bee found. I thanked god before I began to listen.

"The officers at the site will arrest everyone there and she's been taken to hospital. Ma'am, would you like to go to the hospital with us?", the officer asked.

"Please.", she puts on her coat and followers the officers outside. Me and Mum go in to a car and I carry on praying as we drive to the hospital. I hope you're safe.

"What happened?", her mum asks.

"She was kidnapped, we found her tied to the wall and she was dosed with a tranquilliser.", one of the detectives explain, "But she's quite fine art from that."

My mum looks at Y/N with pure sadness, "Did you find the captor?"

"We did."

"Who is he? That horrible wretch of a person who did this to such an innocent girl?", my mum cursed.

"I'm not sure you'll like to know Ms Jeon.", the officer hesitated.

Mum looked confused, "I'd like to know."

"Mr Jeon.", and me and mum looked at each other with mirrored expressions. My dad?

Jungkook Mum POV

My husband?

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