Black Belts

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Jungkook POV

I'm jogging to raise my pulse at the beginning of class and anxiously waiting as I look at the door.  I'm excited for Y/N's arrival as black belt for the first time. The weekends have been really busy. Aunty and Uncle's wedding was on Wednesday and after that, I'd been around to help the new family recover by tidying up and being the lead of organisation whilst they rest. Last Sunday, Y/N had her grading and I swear, when she came out of the grading hall with a black belt in her hand, I was so proud of her. She ran up to me like a little kid and hugged me so tight. It was such a fulfilling moment. now, exactly a week later, this will be her first time as a black belt. The first lesson of black belt is a very special one, I can say so myself. I remember when I was fourteen. My first lesson as a black belt was commemorated with a cake at the end of the class. I was so surprised and happy, if only I could've spent that day with her. But at that time she had already become distanced away from me, merely a few weeks before we were supposed to grade in to black belts together. But look how far we've come and look at the progression. So maybe it's taken a while and may ups and downs had to be faced, but she's finally a black belt! Finally, she comes.

"Hi!", I greet her.

She gives me an abrupt peck on the kiss, "Hey."

"What was that for?", I signal to the kiss.

"You know, ", she pauses and looks around to see who's listening, "Right now I want to give you the longest and most intense kiss. But it's not possible is it? So this will have to do."

I raise my eyebrows, "Who said that's not possible?"

I wrap my hand around her tiny waist tightly and drag her all the way outside the hall. Nobody's out here so I lean in and corner her against the wall. Kissing passionately, we only move away so we can breathe. Then I rest my head on the crook of her neck. That's when we see our Master waiting and looking at us. Y/N flushes red.

But instead of shouting at us, he only cracks in to a smile and whispers in to my ear, "I'm glad you two have finally found happiness. You deserve it."

When he leaves, Y/N asks, "What did he say?"

"Oh nothing.", I smile.

"You sure? We aren't in trouble, are we?", she makes sure.

"Nope, actually quite the opposite.", I grin goofily.

She cocks her head to the side and wear a confused expression on her face but decides not to question me further. Going to taekwondo club has been one of the best choices of my life. So maybe at first it was peer pressure and then my dad telling me to join because of his toxic masculinity, but this club has been the source of joy in my life. I met Y/N through it, my club peers and masters are like my family. We stick together. 

"You ok? Class is about to begin and it seems you've zoned out.", Y/N questions.

"I'm fine.", I swiftly change the topic, "By the way, you're going to love this lesson."

"How come? I enjoy every lesson, what's so special about this one?"

"You'll see.", I smirk.

Your POV

We go through the normal pulse raising and stretching and then get to the real part of the class.

"Y/N, up front please.", Master Jay instructs.

I bow to him and present myself.

"Y/N, I remember your first day at this club. You were young, determined and powerful. I could see an aura in you similar to that of Master Ahna. Master Ahna was my very own instructor and the person who had started up this club. We are proud to have you part of our family because apart from our Great Master, you are the only girl here. But you never let gender determine who you are. Your work ethics are set in stone and you will do whatever needed to achieve your goal. You've been through a lot young lady and this black belt that you wear around your waist now, is well-deserved. You've had a fair share of experiences at such a young age and when you took your leave for a while, you were missed. It's been lovely to welcome you back last year and after one whole year of catching up, you are now a proud black belt. As your first lesson as one, please take lead of today's class.", Master Jay says.

My smile is so wide right now, it aches but in a good way. I start up the class and go through the punches, kicks and patterns. All the while, Jungkook smiles at me and his morale is practically floating in the air. As the time nears to finish the two hour class, I warp everything up, bow to the class and then bow to the Masters. 

"One more thing Y/N.", Master Jay states.

I look on curiously. He pops out of the class and returns immediately with a box in his hand.

"It would be an honour if you would accept this present from us as you take on a new stage in your life.", he bows to me.

I don't know what to do. We learnt that when a Master bows to you, that is the prime form of honour. I accept the gist from him courteously and open it up slowly. The first big box is a cake. We cut it and share it with the whole class.

"You can take the rest home and celebrate with your family. Now would you please open the other present?", Master suggests.

I unwrap it slowly. It's considerably smaller than the cake. Car keys? The Mercedes logo is etched in to it.

"What is this?", I ask.

"I can't take full credit for this gift. I payed for some, the class also have shared payments in it but the largest holder is actually Jungkook."

I stare at him and mouth, "What is this?"

He just winks.

"Y/N, you've always shown an interest in cars and I'd heard that you recently got your driving license. Through some information scavenging, we'd figured out the perfect car for you. You, my young girl, have been through so much and you deserve it. Would you like to see it?", Master quizzes.

I nod because I'm lost for words. He takes me outside and waiting for me is a purple Mercedes: the car I've wanted for ages.

"This is not for real.", I mutter as Jungkook comes besides me.

"Oh yes it is.", he squeezes my hand.

We finish of the lesson and I start up the car. Jungkook comes in besides me and we both drive to my house. Mum's surprised when she spots me out of the window.

"What's this?", she asks.

We explain everything to her and she seems so so happy. Byeol comes by me and congratulates me.

"I have the best sister in the world!", she squeals.

"You're making me shy.", I whisper.

"I am not. You deserve all this praise!", she shouts with glee.

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