Summer Sunset

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Your POV

"Ah hurry up!", Byeol shouts from the bathroom.

"Why?", I mumble through my sleep.

"Idiot, we're going to the beach today.", she answers.

"Wait, we're going today?", I ask, suddenly awake.

"Yes chicken, today. Don't tell me you didn't pack your things yesterday. Mum's going to mad.", she says.

"I forgot.", I moan.

"Then get your ass of the bed and hurry.", she instructs.

"I'm coming.", I call out.

I quickly get up and pack everything I'll need for the back. Swim suit? Check. Sun screen? Check. Water bottle? Check. Lotion? Check. Towel? Check. Brush? Check. Swimming ring? Check. I pack a bunch of things in my clear carry bag and I'm surprised how fast I managed to gather al my things which are usually all over the place. Actually, I'm a little scared that they're all in one place pretty much.

"You're welcome.", Byeol says as she come out of the shower.

Of course, of course it was her. She must've all put them in one place when she realised I didn't pack yesterday, "Thanks."

"No need to thank me.", she smiles.

I'm kind of creeped out by how nice she's being to me because usually we'll fake fight but I ignore it and just go in to the shower. Still freaked out though. Which alien abducted my sister?

Jungkook POV

Byeol: lol, she still hasn't realised

Jungkook: good, she shouldn't

Jungkook: see if u can keep it up till we join u at the beach

Byeol: ofc i will but she's such a silly billy

Jungkook: irk, lmao, i can't stop laughing

Byeol: same here bish, and i'm experiencing it all live

Jungkook: ur bare lucky to live with her, she's so dramatic

Byeol: like her every move, OML

Jungkook: ok gtg, got to pack

Byeol: seriously, haven't u packed either? lazy ass

Jungkook: lol, bye

Byeol: byyeeeee

I go back to packing my stuff. I know we're going to the beach but the winter's been so long for the past few years that I've developed a habit of not showing my legs and arms. I put on a white hoodie and blue combat trousers but pack shorts and a shirt in case it gets a little too hot. These days I've been keeping my hair long, Y/N likes it like that. She likes to put my head in her lap and play around with my hair. Brushing it, I go downstairs and have a quick breakfast.

"Are you ready Jungkook?", Mum calls.

"Mhmm.", I say with a stuffed mouth.

"Ok, I'm heading to the car. You just finish off and make sure the stove's of. I've checked the windows and the doors.", Mum says.

"Ok.", I respond.

I hurriedly finish the rest of my toast and make sure everything's of like she asked me to. With one final check, I'm out and in the car with my mum. We have two cars. Just the normal five seat cars and a seven seat car from the time Mum and her friends used to go away on holidays often by driving. We pull up in front of Y/N's house. They're all ready there waiting for us.

"Annyeong!", Mum says happily.

"Annyeong. Eottoke jinaeseyo?", Aunty asks.

"Jowayo.", Mum answers.

Byeol and Y/N fit in to the very back with me.

"How are you?", I ask as I flash a secretive smile to Byeol.

"Oh, I'm great, can't wait to get to the beach.", Y/N says.

"Same here.", Byeol confirms.

Today's Y/N's birthday but little Miss Forgetful has forgotten just like she does every year. The birthday things are tucked away in the boot of the car, far from her sight. Me and Byeol want to see just how long it'll take her to notice. Taehyung, Jimin, Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi and Jin will join us at the beach with their families too. It's going to be a blast.

Byeol POV

When we arrive at the beach, I quickly change in to my swim suit, followed by Y/N and we go away from the others to swim for a while. The aim is to keep her distracted for long enough so the adults can set up everything. I think me and the boys are doing a pretty good job. We go out for some ice cream and then walk around the beach. We finish up by taking some photos.

"Ready?", Taehyung whispers.

"Yeah.", I say.

"We'll just all go and wait there.", Namjoon confirms.

"Mhmm. If we go there, it'll seem a little warmer.", Hoseok agrees.

"Besides I want to see the job the adults have done.", Jin says.

"You guys go then, I'll join you with Y/N in five minutes.", I say.

"Where are they going?", Y/N quizzes.

"Oh don't worry.", I brush it off.

"Erm... ok.", she seems a little hesitant but ignores it anyway.

"Ok, now close your eyes.", I order after a few minutes.

"Why?", she asks with curiosity.

"Just do it ah.", I say.

"Fine.", she does so and I cover her eyes and guide her to where everyone else is.

"Three, two, one.", I whisper.

"Happy birthday!", everyone shouts.

There's a decorated table with all sorts of food. Every family has brought one thing. The balloons and the streamers add the party vibe and the sun setting by the horizon tints everything with a golden wisp. It's perfect.

"Wait. Today's my birthday?", Y/N's shocked as she is every year.

"Yes silly, I can't believe you hadn't noticed the whole day.", Jungkook says.

"I absolutely forgot.", she says.

"Yeah Miss Forgetful, of course you did.", I laugh.

"Happy eighteenth birthday sweetie.", Jungkook's mum hands her a gift.

"Gamsahamnida.", she bows out of respect.

We cut the cake and enjoy the food. The sun's still floating by the horizon. After everything's done and we're all just sitting and chatting, Y/N and Jungkook get up.

"We'll be back before ten.", Jungkook says.

"Ok.", Mum nods.

And then they walk of towards the sea.

Your POV

I honestly can't believe this happens every year. Did I forget my birthday again? Jungkook wraps his hand around me as we walk, following the shore as our guide. The water laps against my ankles and everything feels cool and serene. There's one major mystery scientists are baffled with. Ninety percent of the universe's light seems to be missing, scientists can't figure out where it's seems to have gone to. Like this mystery, there's a thousand more unsolved ones. But maybe... maybe just for a second I know where the missing light is. For every bond we make, maybe we create a new type of light, a new type of warmth that holds the universe together and makes us shine that little bit brighter. We're all made of stars but we make them too.

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