Mr Accuser

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Jungkook POV

When I come in to school on Monday, Y/N's not here. I spot Byeol from afar and chase her down. Huffing and puffing after the good run, Byeol seems just fine. I wonder how. Ballet must be a lot more intensive than it seems. 

"Wait up!", I call as I tend to the stitches forming at my sides.

"You're a lot weaker than I thought.", she mocks. It's not a friendly mock, "What do you want?"

"Where's Y/N?", I ask.

"Why on this earth would you like to know about your ex?", she snarls.

My heart plunges when she says ex, "She's not my ex."

"If I remember clear enough, you threw her out of the house and told her that a traitor like her has no place in your house.", she reminds me, "That's no less than breaking up. And based merely on a misconception, even more pathetic."

"Please Byeol, it was a mistake. You know how much I love her.", I plead.

"Oh, I know how much you love her. But now I'm doubting it all. Was it all an illusion?", she says.

"Please, I swear."

"Well why do you want to know where she is? To break her heart again and accuse her of things she would never do? Mr Accuser.", she spits bitterly.

"No, no. I want to apologise and make it up to her."

"I don't know about that. Thanks to you, I had to witness my sister break down and cry till she couldn't even stand anymore. I'd love to see the same happen to you."

"Byeol...", I'm about to beg again but then I realise, that's exactly what I deserve, "Fine."

"She's at home for your information. But don't try reach her. Mum's securely guarding the door against any heartbreakers.", and then she goes to class.

How do I reach her now? I think through all my classes about a plan but by the end of the day, I don't have any. I decide to just walk straight to her house and try.

"Aunty.", I call.

"Ah Jungkook, how are you?", she seems a lot colder than usual.

"I'm ok.", I mumble, "Is Y/N home?"

"She is."

"Can I meet her please?"

"I'm not so sure about that. From what I heard, i'm not too happy abut what you did to my daughter."

"Please Aunty. It was all a misconception.", I beg.

"I'll call her down, if she doesn't want to meet you, then I'm sorry.", she goes in and calls Y/N.

"Who is it?", I hear Y/N.

"Jungkook.", Aunty says.

"Tell that idiot to leave right now. And if he's still there, tell him not to ever come back again.", she screams.

I wince, the words literally hit me like bombs.

"It's a no. I'd advise you to leave before she gets angrier.", Aunty says politely.

Byeol joins the scene, she's come from school, "Yeah, I'd honestly advise you to leave too. Get her any angrier and she'll come and rip you up."

I take in all the information and then with a sudden burst, all the tension and regret building up over the weekend, explodes. I run in to their house and all the way to Y/N's bedroom. Her door isn't locked so I run right in and she's too surprised to move. I push her on to the bed and kiss her. She is my oxygen, I don't need air to survive but I need her. At first, she fights to get me of her but then she gives up.

"I'm sorry babe, can you forgive me? You don't know how much I missed you.", I say.

Your POV

Ok, so here's the thing: I was mad as hell at Jungkook for humiliating me and then throwing me out of the house like that but to be honest, I really missed him too. I wanted to tell him that it was all ok when I found out that he had cooled down and realised his mistake. But obviously, I was still mad so I wanted him to apologise first. Now that he has, I've literally melted.

"Boy! Get of her.", Byeol commanded.

He gets if me and looks down at the floor like a toddler that's just been told of.

"I forgive you.", I whisper in his ear.

"For real? Even after what I did to you?", he asked.

"For real. I'm mad you did that but it's ok There's no point holding grudges and also, how else are you going to fulfil your life promise if I keep you away from myself?", I smirk.

"Thank you so much. I've been such a bad boy. I'm going to have to take Mummy out to her favourite ice cream shop.", he pouts.

"Aye!", I smack his head, "Don't call me Mummy."

"Why not Mummy? You're the fairest of them all.", he teases a little longer.

"It sounds weird.", I blush.

"Haha! Fine. But I'm still taking you out for ice cream.", he says.

"Of course, this bad boy still owes me.", I tease.

"Hey! How come you can call me bad boy but I can't call you Mummy?"

"Because I said so.", I bop his nose.

Jungkook goes out to let me change and Byeol comes in, "You didn't have to forgive him you know."

"Sis, I'm glad you had my back but it's fine. Forgiving is the best thing to do.", I smile, "Want to get ice cream with us?"

"Yes!", she cheers.

She gets ready too and then we all go out for ice cream.

Mum whispers something to me on the way out, "I'm proud of you. You did the right thing my sweet girl."

"Thank you.", I flush red.

I order some mint chocolate ice cream whilst Byeol goes for chocolate and Jungkook has cherry. When the ice cream comes and we're all digging in to the sweet feast, Jungkook leans in and says, "If Mummy won't do, then I know what I'll call you from now on."

"And what's that?", I question.

"Princess.", he giggles.

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