Early Rivalry

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Jungkook POV

"Go back in your lines.", Master Jay instructed as usual. The whole class moved back and the daily running began, "let's start with a light jog to the other side of the hall."

The seniors, which made up the first line, jogged to the other side. The rest of the class followed their lead afterwards.

"We'll begin the racing now. To the other side of the hall and back.", the first line sprinted ahead.

 When it was my line's turn, all my attention was on Y/N and all her attention was on me. We're always the most competitive in the class, trying to beat each other at every given opportunity. As I ran like the wind and returned, I did a little victory dance in my head.

"This time's winner is Jungkook.", Master Jay announced. I always win the sprints because I'm faster than her.

Your POV

I concentrate on Jungkook as the next challenge begins. I have to learn to run faster because I just can't take it when he beats me in every sprint.

"In the next race, run up to the first line, then back, up to the second line, then back, to the third line and back again.", Master Jay instructed.

As we begin to run, I've learnt to perfect my movement so that I can turn around without losing too much time. Before I know it, I'm at the finishing line with Jungkook a few paces behind me. I smile as warm satisfaction flows in me like honey.

"The winner for this race is Y/N.", Master Jay says.

The class gets back in to the original line formation and the stretching begins. Both Jungkook and I can split but we're always seeing who can keep their face the straightest even in the intense pain we feel. We go through the basic moves like horse-riding stunts, back stunts, long stunts, a few kicks and punches too before the white belts are moved to the back for some theory.

"I'd like one of you to tell me the five talents of taekwondo.", Master Yeonbin said.

"Me!", my hand shot up instinctively.

"Ok.", he nodded.

"Etiquette, modesty, perseverance, self-control and indomitable spirit."

"That's right. And now who can say all their meaning?"

Jungkook smirks at me cheekily and shoots his hand up, "I can."

"Ok, are you sure you can do all of them correctly?"

"Yes Master. Etiquette is to always show politeness. Modesty is to never show off. Perseverance is to always keep trying your hardest. Self-control is to control your emotions and actions. and finally, indomitable spirit is to always who your spirit when doing taekwondo.", Jungkook explained.

"Wow! That was amazing.", Master Yeonbin congratulated.

I felt a pang of jealousy, I should've said the meanings and let him name them first.

"Ok next. Who can tell me what our uniform is called and what the training hall is called?"

Leo, another white belt puts his hand up, "The uniform is called dobok and the hall is called the dojang."

We do some more theory for the rest of the lesson until we're instructed back in to the line formation. Then we bow to the masters and leave. I take a big gulp of my water and put on my coat and shoes. I wait for my mum afterwards.

Jungkook POV

I have no idea how I'm going to put aside my hate for her and ask her this. This is going to so impossible but I don't want to enemies with her forever. I'm pretty sure we could both be really good friends just if one of us put aside our hatred and propose the idea. But she's a lot stronger than I thought. There's no sign of her doing it any time soon so I need to do it. I take out the paper from my coat pocket and walk up to her, taking deep breaths on my way.

Your POV

Seems like mum's a bit later than usual today but that's fine. She told me not to worry if things like this ever happen. I wait and wait and then I finally see her face through the glass door. Her whole face lights up seeing me and I go up to her to give her a big hug.

"Sorry I was late cherry blossom.", she apologised.

"It's ok eomma."

We're just about to go home when someone calls my name. It's Jungkook. I turn back around and continue to walk with my mum. But this time, the voice calls louder and my mum hears.

"Sweetie, somebody's calling you. Why don't you go and talk to him?", she says.

"Eomma I don't want to.", I whine.


"That's Jungkook. The boy who's always mean to me for no reason.", I explain.

"Come on, maybe he wants to apologise."

"But eomma please. I don't like him."

"Just go and ask him what he wants. Please? For me?", she gives me puppy eyes.

"Fine.", I cross my arms and stomp to him.

"Y/N?", he hesitates.

"What?", I give him the death stare.

He rubs his neck and hands me a piece of paper, "It's my birthday on Sunday and I'm going to turn five. I'm having a party and Dad said I can invite some people from here and school. I invited Sehjun and he's coming. You can come too."

I looked at the paper. It was a birthday invitation, "Well I have to ask my mum first. And I thought you didn't like me that much."

"Well, I didn't. But I guess we could be friends.", he suggested.

"I'll think about it.", I don't want to say yes just yet.

"So are you coming to the party?", he questions.


"Ok then, bye."

"Bye.", I walk up to my mum.

"What did he say sweetie?", she asks.

"He gave me a birthday invitation."

"Oh, I see."

"Should I go?", I said.

"Only if you want to sweetie. I don't want you to go to places you don't want to go but I don't want to stop you from making friends.", Mum says.

I love her so so much. She always puts me first no matter what happens. Thank you Mum.

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