Shine, Dream, Smile

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Jungkook POV

Today I have university. Four years since I've last seen Y/N physically and time has passed fast. Fast yet painstakingly slow in some aspects. Now I'm enrolled in a Korean university with a course in the arts with a major in music. Today's a big big day for Y/N. Within a few hours, she'll be live on TV, representing Korea in the worldwide Taekwondo championships. She's achieved so much in life and I'm really proud of her. I just wish I cold watch the live, but I'll be in a lecture whilst it goes on. But never mind because it replays on TV tomorrow again so I'll watch it with everyone then. We were meant to watch it as one big family together, as in Mum, Y/N's parents as well but we had to delay that to tomorrow because of me.

"Hey mate! What you thinking about?", Liam asks me.

"Oh nothing.", I say.

"Proud of your girlfriend? She's up there with the stars you know.", he smiles.

"Obviously.", I smirk.

"Haha.", he laughs.

I get a phone call, it's from Y/N.

"Hi,", she says.

"Hey! how are you?', I quiz

"A little nervous. Lots of pressure.", she admits.

"Don't worry babe, you got this.", I say, "Isn't it Liam?"

"Yes, your girl's got it.", Liam chuckles.

"See? Even Liam says so.", I giggle.

"Hehe, yeah. I'm just doing all the last minute checks. Pray for me.", she requests.

"Of course. I would watch the live but I can't. I have a lecture I can't skip.", I moan.

"Oh don't worry, it's good you're not watching the live.", she says.

"Why?", I question.

Your POV

I laugh by myself. I have a grand surprise planned for Jungkook and it would be good if he doesn't watch the live because it means there's more chances of me succeeding. Tomorrow is Jungkook's birthday and I want to treat him because I owe him four birthday presents.

"Oh don't worry, you'll find out.", I say.

"What do you have planned?", he questions me.

"I can't tell you.", I tease.

"Oooh, Y/N's got a plan.", Liam teases him too.

I laugh along with Liam, "Yup, it's a surprise."

"Aw, why do you have to tease me?", Jungkook groans.

"I'm sorry.", I say.

"You don't mean it a bit.", he taunts.

"Maybe...", I shrug.

"I have to go now, a class to get to. Good luck.", he wishes.

"Thanks, bye and have fun.", I say and hang up.

I look around the training room, I'm all alone here now. My uniform is already on me and I've been practicing for the last half year straight. I sigh and go in to the main competition hall to assess and get familiar with my surroundings. I really hope I do well. Not only does this serve as a championship but also my final test from the institution. If I pass then I finally succeed with my dreams in reach. I also check the plane tickets I've booked and see if they've been assured. To my luck, they have already been. It's a tight and hefty schedule to slide in to but I think I have it all under control.

Jungkook POV

I look at the clock. Y/N's competition has started three minutes ago. I constantly keep muttering prayers under my breath. 

"Jungkook, are you ok?", the professor asks me.

"Yes sir.", I say.

"You look a little worried and distracted.", he says.

"No sir, I'm fine.", I confirm with a trembling smile.

The professor clicks his screen and on the screen, the Taekwondo World Championships appear, "Worried about this?"

"Yes sir.", I nod, surprised that he knows.

"I know she'll do fantastic. She's a dedicated young lady.", Professor compliments.

"Thank you so much.", I say.

We continue with the rest of the lecture but I'm happy that not only do I have a professor who's a great teacher but one who cares about me in other ways as well. A warm feeling settles in my heart. Enrolling at this university has been an amazing choice in life. At the end of the day, Liam says bye to me and I walk home alone.

"How was uni today?", mum asks.

"It was great.", I smile.

"But I thought you were complaining so much in the morning about going uni?", Mum says.

"I was but something made me change my mind.", I confess.

"Well whatever it was, blessings to it.", Mum laughs before she gives me some food.

I smile. We always say that we're not loved when we're sad but in real life, the people that love us most do it such subtle ways so that we never feel left out or neglected. it's the small gestures that make us equally bright with the stars.

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