His Party

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Jungkook POV

I really blew the chance yesterday. I could've taken a more friendlier approach. Judging on her reaction, I don't think she's going to come. Still cold, still distant. Why do you have to be like this? I wait at the house door and just sit there for hours and hours. My birthday's going to start in two hours and even though I know a lot of my other friends are coming, she won't come. I don't know why I care so much but I want to be her friend. We could achieve so much together. but through all of this, I'm still wondering why do I care so much? Today morning, Dad got a call which meant that he had to go away to another city for work. He apologised a lot that he couldn't spend yet another birthday with me but he promised he'd bring me a gift from wherever he was going to. Internally I was glad that he was gone because if Y/N does turn up, I'm not exactly ready to tell Dad about her. He's going to be really mad. He wants me to be friends with strong and powerful people and girls aren't powerful. I watch as my mum sets up all the decorations and finishes up the last of the food. As much as I want to help, Dad says no. Cooking and cleaning is only for girls.

Your POV

"So do you want to go to the party?", Mum asked.

"Erm... I, I don't know.", I stuttered.

"Sweetie, I can't make this choice for you. You have to decide who you want to be friends with.", Mum said.

"I know but I want to be his friend, show him just how nice I am and how wrong he is but he's been so mean to me.", I gauged both sides of the argument.

But there was a lot more than that as well. I couldn't turn up at his party wearing my school or taekwondo uniform but I had no other good enough clothes. Plus, I didn't have enough money to buy him a present. Then I remembered the white dress Mum bought me for my birthday. Maybe I could wear that. How about the gift? What should I do about that?

"Ok eomma, I want to go.", I finally decided. 

Rushing to my bedroom, I put on my white dress and combed my hair and left it out. I'd never had a haircut before, well not a professional one at least so my hair wasn't one of those fancy, curled, short hairstyles that I saw on other girls. Just plain, long hair. I put on socks and my black school shoes before I started to ravage about my room. What could I give to him? I saw a chocolate bar. The one that Sehjun gave to me for my birthday along with some other sweets. It was the last sweet treat I had for the whole year and I was planning to save it for later. But then again, I couldn't just go to Jungkook's birthday without a present for him. Putting aside my begging soul and mind, I carefully wrapped the chocolate bar in some white paper. Then I drew stars all over it and a bow in the middle. There, that should do. I hopped up to my mum.

"Ready.", I smiled.

"You look lovely dear.", she complimented. Then she stared at the wrapped present, "And what's that?"

"A chocolate bar eomma. It's for his birthday present.", I explained

"That's very kind of you. Now should I drop you off?", she asked.

"I can go on my own. he doesn't live too far from here.", I said.

She checked the address to make sure it wasn't too far like I said before she allowed me to go, "Have a good time Y/N."

"Ok! Bye."

"Bye!", she stood at the door until I was all the way at the end of the street. My mum cares for me a lot and I love her so much.

Jungkook POV

I stood at the door to greet all my friends. Pretty much everybody had already come except for Y/N. Up till now, I convinced myself that she might just come but now I've totally lost hope. That was until I saw her just at the end of my street.

"You came!", I exclaimed.

"Yup.", she smiled and then she handed me a wrapped present. it wasn't wrapped in anything fancy, just normal white paper with drawings on it.

"Thank you.", I said.

"Are you going to open it?", she asked.

I ripped of the packaging and looked at the gift. It was a chocolate bar, "Thanks.". I wonder why she only brought me this. Maybe she still doesn't like me much. But I put aside my ego and just thanked her for it. I was glad that she had come. 

Your POV

Jungkook was wearing a white t-shirt, jeans and a matching coat and hat that were a brick-like colour. He looked really nice in them. I looked at y own clothes. They wouldn't even be a fraction of the cost of what he was wearing.

"You look really nice.", I complimented.

"You do too.", he responded.

I knew he was probably just lying. You didn't have to be a clothes expert to notice his expensive brands and my no brand dress. 

"Oh I forgot. Happy birthday!", I cheered.

He got all shy and blushed, "Why don't you come in? I'll show you some of my other friends."

Jungkook POV

Mum looked really shocked when she saw Y/N but it's my life isn't it? I can do what I like. Secretly, I knew my mum supported me. She never really like Dad's habit of calling men better but she never said anything because she loved my dad. I showed Y/N around to my friends and in no time, she was chatting to them like they'd been friends forever.

"So...", I hesitated, "Are you my friend?"

She paused and my heart dropped, then she broke in to a wide smile, "Of course."

Your POV

"Of course.", I replied.

I'll show you Jungkook, I'm strong and powerful and I can be better than you. I promise to myself that I'll show you that. Then you can say good bye to your dad's wrong talk and live the life you really deserve. After all, we can be friends but not until you see the truth.

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