Bad Dreams

185 19 7

Your POV


Yesterday was my thirteenth birthday. I can't believe that I'm already a teenager. Jungkook and I are at the park for a mini picnic along with our Mum's to celebrate my birthday. We would have celebrated it yesterday but Jungkook was away on a school trip. The weather's amazing and sunlight is softly filtering through the canopy of leaves above us. 

"Are you going to stand there wondering about life or actually come along with me?", Jungkook shouted from behind a tree. 

"I'm coming.", I shouted in response.

Jungkook ran further and further from me until he was barely a white blur staining the undisturbed green. I ran to follow him but I just couldn't catch up. He looked at me one more time, his bright pink lips only making him recognisable from such a distance and then he turned away and disappeared in to the forest. I'm alone. The filtered light becomes dimmer and dimmer until it's only darkness, not even a moon to guide me. The white-barked trees becoming twisted and windy like bony fingers and the Sun doesn't warm my back anymore. I'm in a cage. An animal barking helplessly to get out.


I wake up with cold sweat lining my forehead. I quickly take a sip of water that's on my bedside table. Twelve 'o' clock exactly. I'm thirteen today. Wait, I'm actually thirteen today like I was in my dream. And Jungkook really is away on a school trip so we're celebrating my birthday tomorrow at the park with a picnic.

Jungkook POV

Y/N called me before I was barely even awake. Her name's the only one I saved with a heart next to it. My friend saw it and snatched it off the table before I could attend to it.

"Haha! Is this your girlfriend or something?", he howled. 

He waved around my phone so everyone in the dorm could see. My whole cheeks turned red and hot. She is so not my girlfriend! Only a friend. Ugh, why does this always have to happen?

"She's only a childhood friend.", I defended.

"Don't lie. I mean we all know that any girl would fall for you. You little baby face who's actions are so manly.", he teased.

"I swear she's only a friend.", I persisted.

"Hmm. Now you better answer her phone before she starts thinking you cheated on her with someone in camp.", he says as he hands me back my phone.

 I take it and march outside even though it's freezing, "I'm so sorry you had to wait so long. One of my room mates took my phone from me before I could answer it."

"It's ok.", she said.

"So? How are you?"

"I'm fine."

"You don't seem quite so much. Are you sure?"

"Ok, so I'm not exactly fine. I had a nightmare."

"Aww, I want to give you a hug but I'm too far away. By the way, what time is it in your place?"

"It's five minutes past twelve 'o' clock."

"Well in that case, you know what's coming your way. Happy birthday Y/N!", I screamed.

"Thank you."

I scrolled through my phone and just like every year since I got my phone, I spam her with photos of memories we've shared throughout the past year. Happy memories, sad ones, weird ones and boring ones. 

Your POV

Ping, ping ping, ping, ping! My phones going alight with notifications sent from thousands of miles away. They're all from Jungkook as expected. I laugh as I see some pictures, suddenly get sad when I see others, a mixture of emotions. There's pictures from the time he secretly took pictures of me in the test hall. And then there's some pictures of him when he got caught by teachers for having his phone in the test hall. I had sent those to him because I too had my phone and now he sent them back to me. There's also ones from the time we took pictures outside the place where Jungkook's mum officially divorced his dad. He cried a lot and I did as well when I saw him cry but it was all for the better. He calls me and I pick it up. 

There's a soft sobbing from the other side, "Happy birthday. I guess I can no longer call you little baby because you're my same age now."

"Aww.", I scrunch up my nose to hold back tears, "You can call me little baby still if you want."

We both knew that we were only saying this to stop ourselves from bawling, "Ok then. I want to meet you but there's still an hour till we begin our journey back."

"Hold up then. Not too long.", I support, "Me, your mum and my mum will be at the airport for you, you know?"


"Yeah, I'm not supposed to tell you though so when you see us, act surprised.", I added.

"Okay then.", he giggled, "The boys are calling. I better get going."

"Ok bye."


He hung up and I had a soft and warm feeling glowing in me. So maybe everything is actually quite alright. Bad dreams happen, don't they?

Jungkook POV

"So what she up to?", one boy teased.

"Ah shush will you. I told you it's nothing like that.", I muttered.

"Come on, tell us. We want to know.", he repeated.

"Be quiet please and mind your business.", I said irately.

So we really are just friends and maybe our friendship seems a bit too close for it to stop there but it really is. A lot of things we do could be something others say couple goals but we're just super close friends. I can't wait to get back and then see them all again.

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