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Your POV

I've been fitting in so well in school, it's beyond my dreams. To me, school's always been a living hell but now I'm so surprised that this is how it can really be. My perception seems to have flipped within a week's span and I'm glad. There's only one thing bugging me right now though. Yesterday, Jungkook's mum, Aunty, was hanging out with my mum and I overheard her saying that they were going to move away to Seoul in a month's time. Jungkook still hasn't told me anything about it and I'm really worried. Are they really moving or did I hear wrong? Right now, I'm here at Jungkook's house along with Taehyung, Jimin, Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi, Jin and Byeol. I already knew Jimin, Hoseok and Taehyung before hand but now I'm close with all of them. I find myself fitting in with the boys a lot better than the girls so Byeol's friend group isn't the one for me. We're all here to binge watch some movies and just laze around on our free weekend. There's an interlude in the film and we all take it as a little breather. I go in to the kitchen and begin to sob. The thought of Jungkook moving away hasn't sunk in properly and very time I remember it, I can't hold back tears. There's some noise and someone comes in to the kitchen. I rush to wipe of any evidence of crying.

"Y/N, are you ok?", Jimin asks.

"Mhmm.", I nod sadly.

"Did you get hurt?", he rushes to me and checks everything really quickly.

"I didn't get hurt.", I say.

"Then why are you crying?', he still looks concerned.

I briefly explain everything to him, "So yeah."

"I'm so sorry.", he hugs me and gives me a kiss on the forehead.

It feels comforting and my tears dry away instantly. There's a sudden rustle.

"Out! Get out! The both of you!", Jungkook shouts. He looks furious.

"Huh?", Jimin looks confused.

"Don't think that I didn't see anything. Y/N, I really didn't know you would cheat on me like this. And with one of my best friends too. Jimin, you've hit a low today that I wouldn't have ever thought you were capable of with your baby face.", Jungkook says, "Now out!"

The racket catches the attention of the rest and they all join us, "What's going on?", Byeol asks.

"Take your dear sister out of the house.", Jungkook states firmly.

"But why?", she stutters.

"I said take her out.", he orders again.

Byeol shoots him a death stare and takes me away slowly. Tears fill up my eyes again. I explain everything to her as we walk home. 

"Let it be. He'll realise his mistake in a few days.", Byeol comforts.

We get home and Mum looks worried instantly. I rush up to my bedroom and Byeol does the explaining. How can Jungkook even think I've done something like this?

Jungkook POV

My blood is very literally boiling with anger. Y/N cheated on me? Jimin looks like he wants to tell me something seriously but I defect him.

"Out.", I point to the exit.

He leaves and so do the others and I'm alone. Throughout the day, Jimin tries messaging and calling me but I don't respond. Finally, Taehyung calls.

"Hello?" he says.

"What is it?", I ask.

"Let me explain. Please.", he begs.

"I don't want to hear it.", I say coldly.

"Please or else you'll regret it.", he convinces.

"Quick, I don't have time for trash like this.", I hurry him.

"Jimin was comforting Y/N because she's sad. She cried because she found out you're leaving. She's not cheating. You're such an idiot for hurting her like that.", Taehyung says.

I cut his call and collapse on to the bed. Now everything's starting to make sense. She looked like she was crying and Jimin hugged her. All of a sudden, I just want to slap myself. I'm such a jerk for reacting like that. I would call her or go to her house but like the past, I know that tactic doesn't work. And her mum will obviously be guarding the door, after all, I'm in the wrong. I'll have to apologise to her on Monday. Ugh! Why the hell did I do that? I contact Jimin and apologise to him. He forgives me but says he doesn't know how Y/N will react. I'm scared too.

Your POV

I lock myself in to my room and don't let Byeol come in either. She has to sleep in the spare room for today because I don't let her in. Right now, I just want to fall of a cliff and die. How could Jungkook ever think I'm cheating on him? I love him so so much. And with Jimin as well? What the hell? Does he honestly think I'm that fake? Sadly not, and now he's hurt me. Let him be, he can live without me. Bitterness takes over me and I cry the whole night. There's no way I'm going to school on Monday. 

"Sweetie?", Mum knocks on the door.

"Go away!", shout.

It's now Sunday morning and I still haven't come out of my room.

"Byeol explained everything to me. Let me call Jungkook's mum and explain the whole thing.", Mum suggests.

"Let it be. He can live in the lies.", I spit.

"Please honey. Don't be like this.", Mum pleads.

"Go away! Don't annoy me.", I shout.

I hear footsteps and she must be gone. I go back to crying. Ugh! My damn life.

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