Locked Up

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Jungkook POV

I couldn't sleep at all and now I'm so tired. I spent all of last night wondering what had happened to Y/N so suddenly. She's never been so hostile with me apart from the taekwondo hall which we both know is an exception. What's happened and has someone turned her against me? Since it was too late to go over and find out what happened yesterday, I plan to go over to her house after school today.

"Eomma, is it fine if I go to Y/N's house after school? I'll be back within an hour.". I ask Mum.

"Ok but make sure to keep your ringer on.", Mum says.

"I will. Annyeong.", and I rush to school.

Your POV

I wake up and stare at the mirror, I look like a monster. My hair is ruffled and I have deep bags under my eyes. It's eleven 'o' clock, I would've been in an English lesson if I were at school. I wonder how Rin's doing. Hopefully she's in a hospital somewhere in critical condition, knowing that will at least make me a little more content. I would ask Sehjun but Mum took away my phone from me last night so I can't text him. I go to the kitchen and Mum's nowhere to be seen. She's already at work now. And looks like she wasn't kidding at all. She took my phone and locked all the doors so there's no way out nor in. I take a banana, eat it and go back up to my room. I cried myself to sleep yesterday. Taekwondo is my life. I still can't believe Mum's so hard-hearted that she could do that to me. In five weeks time, it's my assessment for black tag, I was so close to achieving my dreams and now they're all crushed. I begin to tear up the thought and then I get an idea. As much as it will hurt me to do this, I should. After all, I'm no longer a martial artist anymore, am I? I go to the living room and take down all the awards from the competitions I've won. Lighting a small fire using a flame from the hob, I set the paper ones on fire. Then I repeatedly smash the medals on the floor until they shatter into small pieces and I throw them in to the bin. All done, I only spare my uniform out of respect that I've learnt to be a key value. But I take it too and fold it away and put it away in to my cupboard with a lock. Things that go in there, never come out again. There, done! Just what you wanted Mum. I spend the rest of the day drawing to quickly pass by so much free time.

Jungkook POV

When the school dismissal bell rings, I practically run out of school.

"Wow, I've never seen you leave so fast.", Hanbin says.

"Sorry, I have somewhere to go.", I apologise.

"Ok then. Better not keep you waiting mate. See you tomorrow.", he says.

"Bye.", and I continue to race. 

I run and run all the way to her house and only stop when it's in sight. I gather up my breath and I'm about to knock when I notice that there's a lock on the door. Are they not home? I knock anyways because there's no harm in checking.

Your POV

There's three loud knocks on the door and I instantly know it's Jungkook before I check from my window. Who else would it be? I ignore him and continue to draw. He'll go away after a bit. Besides, the door's locked from the outside, how am I supposed to open it? I stare out of the window and watch him.

Jungkook POV

After knocking the first time, I wait a few minutes. Then I knock again. I wait patiently for another ten minutes just incase Y/N is inside and she changes her mind. But I don't think she does if she's inside. I'm about to walk away when a hand is placed on my shoulder.

"Annyeonghaseyo Jungkook. How are you?, Y/N's mum greeted.

"Annyeonghaseyo.", I bow, "I am good. How are you?"

"I'm fine. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Actually, is Y/N home?", I ask.

"Oh, I'm so sorry dear. She's got tests coming up so she's staying over at her school library to study a bit more.", she says genuinely. 

That's odd. Y/N would never study extra, "Erm.. ok. Do you perhaps know when she will next be here?"

"I'm not sure. But I do know that it's not this week because she'll be over at the library everyday.", she says.

"Ok then Aunty. Thank you. Annyeong."


I walk away and she enters the house. By some power, I look at Y/N's window at the side of their house. And I swear I see her looking at me.

Your POV

I hear Mum lie straight into Jungkook's face like that. I never knew she could stoop so low. When he's walking away, just to tease him, I look at him out of my window. He sees me, stops in his tracks and then turns away. Then he rubs his eyes and faces me again. But I make sure to disappear quickly so he only thinks that he's imagining. All of you want to play a game, let's play a game then.

Jungkook POV

When I face her window again, she's not there. I rub my eyes and look clearly. But she's not there. I must've just imagined it. Maybe this is a really big tests and she actually wants to pass. So she probably is at her school library. I know something feels wrong but I drop the feeling and walk home.

 I'm just giving all my readers a heads up, the next chapters will have some drug interference and so on so if you're not comfortable with such topics I'd rather you didn't read them.

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