For Real?

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Jungkook POV

"No no. There has to be a mistake.", Y/N's mum defended, "Mrs Jeon and her whole family are very respectable in our area. He must've been framed."

"I'm afraid it is actually him. The investigation was very thorough but extremely quick due to many clues left. After DNA tracing, the results to led him. He was also caught on site at the time.", the officer said.

"Please Mrs Jeon, tell them that this can't be true.", Y/N's mum said.

My mum put her hand up as to stop Y/N's mum from talking anymore, "I wouldn't put this passed him."

"Huh?", Y/N's mum suddenly looked confused.

"There's a lot I have to say. How about another day? Y/N is our main focus right now.", Mum declared.

Her mum looked like she was about to protest but ignored it anyways, "Ok then."

Your POV

My eyes slowly opened and then closed instantly because harsh white lights bleared my sight. I can vaguely remember what happened. I get up and twist around my wrist and ankles which feel so free right now. After being tied down for so long, in comparison right now I'm flying free. There are bruises where I had been tied the tightest but there's no pain. The door opens and Mum, Jungkook and his mum come in.

Mum comes and cups my face, "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine now."

"Does it hurt anywhere?"

"No eomma, I can't feel anything at all."

She sighs with relief, "I was so worried for you."

Jungkook looks at me, "I'm sorry for what happened."


My mum coughs and says, "Me and aunty will be outside talking to the doctor and you two can talk, ok?"

"Ok.", and then they walk out.

Immediately, Jungkook breaks down, "It's all my fault."

"Why? At least tell me."

"If you weren't my friend then Dad wouldn't have done this to you. You should have just let me grow up and suffer because of my behaviour."

"Don't say that. I still don't regret becoming friends with you.", I admit. 

He makes me feel loved and because of him, I can come home and forget about everything that happens at school.

"So you don't hate me?", he whimpers.

"No. Why would I? It was your dad who did it, not you."

"So you don't think it's my fault?"

"Not at all. Now stop crying."

"I don't believe you.", he pouted.

"Don't be so difficult."

"But for real?", he asked again.

"Ok, now I'm getting annoyed. For the last time, yes.", I said.

The doctor came in to the room at that point, "How are you feeling Y/N?"

"I'm doing ok, thank you.", I answered politely.

"Well we have good news.", she said facing my mum, "The tranquillisers that were used on her weren't too strong so she can be dismissed today."

"That's good news.", Jungkook's mum gleefully said.

The rest of the day can be summarised as thus, the doctors did some final check ups on me, prescribed me some painkillers for when the pain gets too bad to handle and then discharged me.

Jungkook POV

Watching her get better, makes me smile. She's slowly moving more and more and it's only been a while since she woke up. The only thing I'm worried about slightly is Dad, what's going to happen to him? I want to ask Mum so badly but I don't want to at the same time because I'm afraid the answer will be something bad. I avoid the lump in my throat and watch as Y/N returns to her normal self. Something tells me that maybe everything doesn't seem quite right but it'll all be just fine. Because I'm feeling just fine, I can feel the sun shine.

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