A Different Relationship

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Your POV

I watch Jungkook nowadays. He's happy when he's around me but I know something's nagging at him. His relationship with his dad is breaking down in to smaller and smaller pieces as every second passes. And even though I'm glad that he's finally being released from his dad's toxic grip, it hurts to see him so sad. He tries to smile when he's around me but he can only choose one. Me or his dad. And I thank all the stars that he chose me. I don't mean to distance him from his loved ones but a short break from his dad is exactly what he needs. 

"Hi!", I greeted.


He looked lovely in all black, "You're looking great today."


"So how's life?"

I see him gulp before he nods, "It's all good. Yours?"

"All good here too.", I smile, "Do you want to practise iljung? I've brought my taekwondo uniform with me."

"Sure. But I've forgotten to practice it. I totally forgot that you were even coming today.", he admits.

"It's fine. I can teach you.", I say. He leads me in to his room and leaves so that I can change. Then he goes in to change whilst I patiently wait for him in the corridor.

"Ready.", he says excitedly.

"Ok. Should we do it in the garden?", I suggest.

"Ok then.", we hop down the stairs and all the way in to the garden. 

Then we bow at each other to show respect. I begin with the first few moves in slow motion, "So first we look to our left side, then we do low-section block in walking stunt with your left hand followed by a single mid-section punch with your right hand and a step forward. Then we look over our right shoulder. After that, we do another low-section block with our right hand this time in a walking stunt. Then we do a single mid-section punch with our left hand and at the same time we step forward.". I show him the moves and correct him whilst he slowly learns"Got that?"

"Yup.", he says.

"So then we move in to a long stunt with a low block then a punch with the other hand.", I show him, "No, don't punch with that hand, the other one."

"Oh ok."

"I think that's all we should do for today.", I say.

"Mhmm. Do you want some ice cream to cool down?", he asks.

"Yes please.", I clap in excitement.

He goes inside whilst I sit down and catch my breath. The sun is warm on my back and it's really hot today.

Jungkook POV

I bump in to Dad on my way to the kitchen. He watches me silently like hawk as I get the ice creams. He sneers when he sees two in my hand.

"The other one for your little friend?", he enquires.

"Yes.", I try not to linger too long around him.

"Out you go then. You wouldn't want to keep her waiting too long.", he laughs at his own joke that I don't understand but I don't wait. I run back out.

"Here you go. I got your favourite, mint choc chip."

"Thanks.", she says. 

We sit in the garden and enjoy our ice creams whilst we watch the clouds float by. The weather's really nice today.

"I was thinking,", she begins.

"Mhmm", I signal to show that I'm listening.

"I was thinking of inviting you over one day to my place."

"What?", I pause and look at her.

"I come here so much but in eight months, I haven't taken you over to my house yet."


"Mind you, it's not half as fancy as this, but it's my little space.", she smiles.

"Honestly Y/N, I'm happy with anything. I just thought you weren't comfortable so I never asked."

"I trust you and I know you're kind so I wouldn't mind showing you.", she confesses.


"Yeah really. You're my friend Jungkook."

And I smile so much at that because no matter how many friends I have at school, they're only my friend because they want to be in the popular bunch. She's a real friend.

Your POV

I have no idea why I just said that. Why did I say I should take him to my house? He's not even going to be my friend after he sees where I live. But I went with the flow and said it anyway. I bite my tongue. I deserve it for not thinking before I say things. 

"So is tomorrow to early?", I suggest. 


"Then it's agreed, I'll come here tomorrow and I'll take you to my house."

"Thanks Y/N."

"For what?"

"For trusting me."

"It's fine. You earned it."

He hands me a little piece of paper, it's a birthday card. "I couldn't give it that day since I'd only found out then but I made it to give it to you the next time I see you."

"Thank you.", I read it, treasuring every heart-felt word. Then I fold it very carefully in to a paper crane and put it in my bag.

Jungkook POV

And I watch her again fold the paper in to a crane. As much as I want to ask her why she does it, I don't because silence is exactly what this moment deserves.

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