Sober thoughts ✔️

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The girls sprinted ecstatically as they race to the living room only to sit on the floor. Shuhua managed to arrive first, plopping down beside Soojin who seems to be unbothered by her presence.

Minnie took pride of the sight before her, the girls looked brighter than they were earlier. She internally calls it a success for her and Yuqi even if they haven't get through the drinks yet, it surely brought up everyone's mood. Soyeon hesitated at first, but soon she gave in, well, it's not everyday they get a chance to have fun like this.


Putting a drunk Yuqi and Shuhua in the same room was clearly a bad idea, now both girls are competing on who's the loudest while Soyeon tries to tone their voices down, even though she's enjoying the fiasco going on between the two youngest.

Them being loud was an understatement, Miyeon and Minnie quips in with laughter from time to time. Meanwhile, Soojin is terribly silent when sober, but drunk Soojin, she's a bit of a mess as well.

After the laughter died down for a while, Yuqi catches an empty bottle near Minnie's side. Like an imaginary light bulb above her head, it lights up into an idea.

So she grabs it hastily, "How about spin the bottle, what do you say?" She announced, wiggling her eyebrows at each of the girls.

Each of them gave different reactions.

"What are we, highschool?" Minnie voiced out, a smirk making its way to her lips the moment she received a glare from Yuqi.

With a scoff, Yuqi slurs, "I'm just trying to make this night not boring, unlike you."

Soyeon knows Minnie subtly took offense by the younger's remark, so before this room falls into another heated argument between the two, she butts in, "Yuqi, come here." She then pats the vacant spot beside her.

The said girl instantly follows, like a little kid beckoned by her mother.

If Yuqi's temper is bad when drunk, Minnie is not less than worse, and she'll definitely won't let Yuqi off the hook if Soyeon didn't interrupt.

"Truth or dare," Soyeon announced as soon as she grabbed the bottle from Yuqi, "I'll spin the bottle. If you can't answer the truth nor do the dare, you will have to take two shots straight." she said, gaining collective nods from the girls.

The first spin points at Yuqi.

"Fine, truth."

"Who wants to ask?"

Minnie raised a hand.

"Anyone?" Yuqi, as if she didn't see that, asked the other girls.


And then the two starts bickering again like an old married couple. This time, Soyeon lets them for her own entertainment.

Miyeon, on the other hand, looked miserably lost in her own world... or more likely, lost staring at the little bubble that consist of only Soojin and Shuhua as they sit beside each other, talking animatedly as if there wasn't anyone here except them.

She puffed out a short breath as she take a shot, eyes no longer lingering at the painful sight of the way Shuhua clings on Soojin. The way she looks at her, Miyeon knows it's different.

Because that's the way she looks at Shuhua.

"Are you interested in anyone right now?"

In that moment, everything seemed to stop. Miyeon casually threw the question out in the air in a way that it managed to catch all the girls' attention.

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