I love you and please don't go

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"Sooo, what is it that you wanna talk about?" Shuhua asked yuqi.

They were sitting across each other sharing the lunch cooked by Soojin's parents.

"Oh yeah, I told you it was something important to Miyeon unnie." Yuqi answered as she takes her first bite. "The letter you gave her at the playground?"

Shuhua nearly choked hearing what she just said, she thought that information will be a secret to her grave. "Wha— how did you know?" She asked, eyes widened.

Yuqi chuckled and finds her reaction rather funny. "I translated that letter remember?.... then the day you flew to Taiwan, we were at the dorm, I was helping Miyeon unnie pack her things and I found the letter."

"And you just read it?" Shuhua asked unimpressed, why did she even asked? She knows Yuqi well when it comes to this.

"I was the one who wrote it, duh." Yuqi answered proudly.

"Oh God, this is embarassing." Shuhua said, she then looked at her three unnies eating silently while listening to them. The three were smiling at her, but it feels like teasing for Shuhua. "Great. So you all know about this."

With their mouths busy munching their food they could only nod.

Yuqi interrupted. "So you already met her before she even step inside cube." Shuhua nods as if it was nothing. "Looking at it now, that's really...... Romantic." She shyly admitted. Shuhua looked down on her food, hiding her flustered face.

Minnie, played a smirk on her lips. She enjoyed looking at how flustered Yuqi is while subtly admitting how romantic it is. She then take off her eyes from Yuqi to Shuhua. "We were smiling not because it's embarrassing, you don't know what Miyeon is going through that time. She was at her darkest and what she needed that time was light, even a tiny bit of it. And you came, the little most sign that she's been waiting for in building up her lost hope. We were smiling because you are one of the reasons why she's here with us now."

"And she will stay longer with us." Soyeon added, the other girls nodded.

That memorable night when Shuhua randomly felt the desire to go to that certain playground and out of all the people that goes there, it was her eyes that caught Miyeon. Just the thought of it makes Shuhua's heart flutter as she feels connected to Miyeon from the very beginning.

"We all have no idea how destiny works, let's just hope for Miyeon unnie's fast recovery." said Soojin.

"Aren't you proud of what you did shu?" Minnie asked with her eyebrows meeting each other.

"N-no! I mean, I am proud, so so proud. I just thought it didn't meant something to her before because it was just a letter. And... I'm just nervous. I still have so many things that I want to do with her, I don't want all of this to become just a happy memory..... I..." She stops a bit as her voice starts to crack. She breathed out in order for her not tear up again. "I just hope, it's still not... too late. I hope I wasn't too late." She continued.

None of the girls spoke, what could they possibly say? Cheering her up wasn't a choice at that time. They weren't able to tell her that everything will be alright, they can't assure Shuhua anything as they were only hopeful themselves for the positive outcome.

Soojin beside her put down her chopsticks and pats her back. "The only thing we can do right now is to be strong for her, physically, emotionally. I'm pretty sure that's what Miyeon unnie wants us to do." she said.

Shuhua couldn't utter a word anymore because if she did, she would probably break into tears. She can already feel the ache in her throat and the wetmess of the tears forming in her eyes. She averted her eyes on the ground.

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