Kiss and make up

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'Finally!' Shuhua thought in excitement as she sat down at the corner of the practice room panting after learning the choreography.

Beside her was Yuqi who looks exhausted as well. "Shu? What's with you and Soojin unnie lately?"

"Uh just the same why?"

"Okay. How's it going with you and Miyeon unnie?"

They are the only one left there after their unnies decided to buy drinks together, and also food. Learning the new dance steps was quite famishing.

Shuhua only chuckled, "Am I in a hot seat?" Yuqi gave her a glare. "Fine, I know what you're trying to say. I wasn't pulling an act towards Soojin unnie while I do cling on her on cam only. I like being close to Soojin unnie because she's like a sister to me and as much as I wanted not to do it because I know Miyeon unnie will be hurt, what can I do, I need to."

Yuqi furrowed her eyebrows in disbelief, "Why would they ask you to do that?"

"We just found out that the managers are aware of our relationship and they are obviously against it. I'm just doing it because I'm scared, if I didn't they might really seperate me with Miyeon unnie for real. You know what PD-nim is capable of, even our whole group is all monitored. It's like were cautiously walking in a thin layer of ice." She just sighed defeatedly.

The older girl only shook her head in disapproval whilst clicking her tongue.

Shuhua continued. "I hated it. Because they will always go between me and Miyeon unnie, we already know what to do. We're not like Romeo and Juliet that they needed to separate in every way they can. It's sooo, annoying." she sighed. "We became too cautious with our every move that we never even planned on having dates. Ah shit."

Yuqi tapped her head to lessen her anger. They sat in silence until the other girls came in with food and drinks on their hands.

Miyeon isn't looking at Shuhua's direction after she sat beside Minnie and started eating silently. Though she could feel the younger's stares piercing down to her skin, she never dared to look back.

The tension seems to increase as the other girls start noticing the invisible walls building between the couple.

"Okay, what just happened?" Asked Minnie with full of concerns. Miyeon then stood up and walked out.

Shuhua then followed. Soojin could only drop her head down and made her mouth busy with all the food.

"Just let them talk it out." Said Soyeon. Somehow she understands Miyeon, even though she only knows half of what really happened.

The other girls nodded and continue what they're doing; Soojin kept silent.

"Soojin-ah what's with you?" asked Minnie who noticed the latter's actions from the beginning.

Soojin put down her chopsticks. "I think it's my fault."

"Was it about the publicity thingy?" Yuqi asked. Soojin widened her eyes. "Shuhua told me earlier." the older girl could only nod while literally looking down.

"I knew it!" Soyeon blurted. "No wonder Shuhua acts differently when the camera rolls. It wasn't your fault Soojin."

"Yeah unnie it wasn't your fault, neither one of them. I assume that this is what PD-nim wanted, the reason why the managers are always eyeing on them. Miyeon unnie and Shuhua just,,, have no choice." said Yuqi.

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