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A/n: if you guys are wondering what the title means, according to Shuhua, it means 'Miyeon pabo'. (Just in case you haven't watched that clip)


Yuqi's POV

Seeing Shuhua and Miyeon unnie getting hurt actually bothers me. I am really caught up with these two masochist. I just really hope they'll end up together.

We left Shuhua with Soojin unnie earlier, we all knew they needed to be alone. We noticed these past few days that the younger is avoiding Soojin unnie and I know why.

As we all left, I came with Soyeon and Minnie unnie to comfort Miyeon unnie. We're at the eldest's room, all in the same bed.

Miyeon unnie was calm but her stares are empty. She doesn't look like she's crying any moment. No wonder Shuhua couldn't notice her feelings, she's really good at hiding her emotions. She may be loud and expressive, but she can be the most reserved member in our group.

We tried cooling down the atmosphere inside as we all felt someone might explode. Soyeon unnie forgot she's not talking to me, we did our best to make Miyeon unnie feel better, we even cracked some unfunny jokes. We didn't stop until she finally smiled.

"That's better unnie." I said.

"Thank you guys, for being there. I'll be okay soonest." She gave us a weak smile. I can't help but give her a pitiful look, she doesn't deserve to be this hurt and so as Shuhua.

I always believe that Shuhua can see her more than just an unnie.

"Think positive Miyeon-ah, maybe our Shushu is still lost in her tracks right now. Let fate lead her to you, what's a journey without a pain? What's yours shall be yours, don't force things, you're just going to make it way more painful." Said Minnie unnie.

Wow, she sounded so intelligent when it comes to this. Those words got me.

"I know, but I can't afford losing her."

"You won't. Okay? But if pushing yourself to her means losing yourself is not healthy anymore. How can she love you when you can't even do it to yourself."

Miyeon unnie dropped her head down to avoid our glances. I can't believe I'm hearing this from Minnie unnie, this is the first time that we talked about L.. Love. She sound so mature, and sexy. Wait what? I mean mature and cool.

I know I am usually talkative but when it comes to this topic I am quite dumb, I have never fallen in love and I'm not planning to fall any moment. Love is the most mysterious feeling, and I am honesty scared of it. It makes people do crazy things.

"Miyeon unnie, if you ever needed some help you know we're here okay?" Said Soyeon unnie.

All these love thing makes me thirsty, I also gotta go outside to check on the two.

I stood up. "I'll just go get some water, do you want me to get you?" I asked them as they all shook her head 'No'. Then I left the three talk about things I know nothing about.

Before I could go to the kitchen, I will pass by the living room and before coming nearer the two, I can't help but to eavesdrop a bit.

"Sooo. Last time I talked to you, you never denied when I said you liked someone. Is it a girl?" Soojin unnie said.


"Oh is it Miyeon?"

"Y-yes, in fact, she's my girlfriend."

What??!! I think my jaw just dropped. What the heck is happening? Earlier we were cheering up Miyeon unnie because of Shuhua, and I was low-key hoping they'll end up together but She's already Miyeon unnie's girlfriend? How can Shuhua move on that fast? Is unnie just a rebound?

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