Fight or flight

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"Let's break up."


"Didn't you heard what I said? I said let's break up." Said Shuhua without even looking at Miyeon's eyes. "This is for the best, this is what we need, Miyeon unnie."

"What the hell are you talking about Shu? I love you and you know that. Please tell me you're joking." Miyeon held Shuhua's wrists as tight as she could not wanting to let go.

"I'm sorry Miyeon unnie-"

"No! Don't call me by my name! You're just joking right?" She then starts crying while pulling Shuhua for a hug but the younger has been resistant.

"Miyeon unnie, I'm serious. I have to let you go, I'm the problem here... I... don't think I really loved you." She looked away harshly biting her lower lip. "I-I'm sorry."

"Are you fucking kidding me Shuhua? After all this time! After all these years of waiting for you! Stop all these fucking nonsense because this isn't funny!" Miyeon bursted out crying as she realized Shuhua isn't joking at all. "You said you love me and I felt it! If this is something about the photo please! Don't break up with me like this. Don't tear me apart because this hurts me a hundred times harder than seeing you happy with Soojin!"

"No, this doesn't have something to do with the photos. I just...." She closed her eyes. "I just don't wanna hurt you more in the future. I just thought I love you because you were there when I needed someone the most, now I realized it was nothing more than that."

"Say what you wanna say because I don't fucking believe you!"

"Then don't believe me. My decision is final, I'm breaking up with you because that's what I feel, no one asked me to do this. I hope you respect my decision." Shuhua then walked out to her room and locked it. Leaving the harshly crying Miyeon in the living room.

As soon as she locked the door, Shuhua dropped her body on the floor and finally let out all the tears she has been keeping all this time. Her knees has been trembling the whole time talking to Miyeon.


'xxxxxx: sent an attachment.' 12:39am

'It was just last night, the exact time where I finally slept.' Shuhua thought.

That attachment made her more intrigued so she opened it.

She gasped at the sight, it was a photo of Miyeon hugging a guy at some condo unit's doorway.

Shuhua tried to back read some messages that she hadn't read yet. She saw another picture.

It's Miyeon smiling in front of the same guy at some restaurant.

"She looks happy with him." She said sarcastically.

Shuhua has never been hurt before, it's much worse than how she felt with Soojin. She shed the tears that's been falling down from her eyes.

'No! Maybe it was just a friend.' She tried to be positive.

While still crying, she tried to write a reply.


'Fuck you! Stop pranking me! I don't know who the hell are you but can you just let me and her live our lives in peace? Do you even know Miyeon? Or even that friend she hugged?'


Her phone vibrated again indicating that the texter has replied right away.

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