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Third person POV

Shuhua clearly remembers everything she said last night. She's so embarrassed and now she doesn't know how to face Miyeon.

She wanted to take back what she said but there's something telling her that she should try it.

'Should I?.' She thought to herself.

As she remember Soojin, she wanted to open up about the text she thought she sent to her. She thought her unnie was pretending she doesn't know as a sign of rejection.

Soojin's at the kitchen, cooking. This wasn't the perfect time to ask about the text but had to, she might lose another chance.

When she went to the kitchen, she sighed in relief because she's alone. "Soojin unnie?"

"Hmm?" Her eyes focused on what she's doing. But she did took a quick glance on the younger and gave her a sweet smile.

"About the text I sent to you last night I,, I uhm–" She was stuttering so Soojin decided to cut her off because she have no idea about it.

"What text? Didn't recieved any text from you last night. I was with my phone the whole day."

Shuhua's eyes widen, realizing why Soojin was still the same after that. She was relieved that the older didn't recieved her text.

"Oh is that so? Nevermind that unnie, I gotta go now." She sprinted off as soon as possible so Soojin won't ask for more question.

What frustrates her more now is she's 100% sure that she sent that message, but to whom? That's more embarrassing.

She went to her room to check her phone to see where did she sent it. When she came there she's expecting that Miyeon is still sleeping on her bed, but she found none.

'I never saw her left, she must have went back to her own room. Obviously.' She thought to herself.

She didn't waste another time as she took her phone, as soon as she open it, her eyes furrowed.

'Miyeon unnieee!!!"

It's because she changed Shuhua's wallpaper with her picture she just took this afternoon before she left the room.

Shuhua didn't change it, she just quickly went to her messages. She saw the text she sent, and it was for Miyeon.

'Great. Why does it always have to be her? Huh?

But I'm not complaning, I mean, she's still hot and pretty, and,, and ughh why am I thinking about her a lot these days.' she asked herself as she knew her face feels hot. That's where she had finally decided with something.

She went out looking for Miyeon.

Everyone is preparing for dinner now but she never saw any sign of her.

The maknae saw Minnie coming from outside, "Where have you been unnie?" She asked.

"Drug store. I bought medicine." She said nonchalantly.


"I forgot to tell you, Miyeon is sick. She slept the whole afternoon so I got worried and I checked on her. She's burning hot, literally."

She saw the younger's face frown by guilt. "It wasn't your fault, If I were her I'd do the same. Now it's our turn to take care of her." she gave her a reassuring smile.



"I-I'll take care of her. I wanna switch rooms with you tonight, if it's okay with you?"

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