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Miyeon woke up from the consecutive sounds of thunder, she's all alone in their bed room. Her eyes still felt heavy as she feels the need to sleep more.

'How long did I slept?' She have no idea what time is it since it was all dark due to the heavy rainstorm. So checked her phone.


'I shouldn't have left last night. And no wonder I'm so hungry.'

She went first to the bathroom.

In the living room

Yuqi saw Miyeon went out of the room while on her way to join the other girls, they planned to have a movie marathon all day since their schedule has been cancelled.

The girls except Miyeon and Soojin planned on binge watching romance themed movies. Shuhua requested it.

Yuqi tapped Shuhua's shoulder. ''Shu, I saw Miyeon unnie, she went on the shower." she whispered.

What Yuqi didn't notice, the younger's aura became brighter. Shuhua managed to hide those little curls forming at the corner of her lips. Her hearts beats faster at the thought of her unnie.

"So?" She answered as if she doesn't care.

Yuqi furrowed her eyebrows, "Nothing, I just thought you'd care." the younger just rolled her eyes.

As they all focused their attention on the television Shuhua stood up and left the other girls.


Miyeon went out of the bathroom and starts making her way to the girls.

Minnie smirked. "Good morning sleeping beauty!" now all the girls sitting on the couch finally noticed her presence, except one.

She sat beside them and began to focus her eyes on the movie they're watching, but it was interrupted when her stomach starts growling.

Yuqi beside her and smirked. "Someone's hungry."

She ignored Yuqi when she smelled something that made her even hungry.

"Eat first unnie, we left you some food there. Just reheat it in the microwave." said Soyeon, her eyes are still stuck on the tv screen.

So she stood up and head to the kitchen right away, who wouldn't be hungry after waking up at 2pm.

'I could smell someone's cooking. It must be Soojin.'

As soon as she reached the kitchen, her eyes widen at the sight. 'Why is she cooking? She hates cooking.'

Shuhua finally noticed Miyeon's presence. "Yah unnie, I'm hungry. You wanna with me?" the older gave her a confused look.

Who wouldn't though, Shuhua hates cooking. She won't even cook for herself even when she's hungry and Miyeon is completely aware of that.

The older wouldn't say 'No' no matter how bad cook Shuhua is. She would even eat it even if it's burned.

"I-I'd love to?"

"Is that a question?" Shuhua then hears the growling sounds from the older's belly. "I don't think so. Come on."

Miyeon looks at the dining table and it's all prepared, the plates, the spoons and the forks. It's purposely prepared for two.

"Yah unnie, sit there already." She complained for she noticed that the older is spacing out. "Don't even assume I cooked this for you, I was hungry."

Miyeon smirked, "I wasn't saying anything." the younger rolled her eyes playfully.

"egg fried rice is the only dish I can cook well, don't even say anything. Just eat." She said in a serious tone. Miyeon nodded like a 5 year old kid being scolded by her mother.

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