The real deal

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Shuhua's POV

"Okay, now girlfriend please sleep beside me tonight and spoon me until I sleep." she commanded.


"Oh and one last thing, can you kiss me?"

I was startled for I didn't see that coming, as in right now. Her request gave me chills, but why? She always ask me for kisses but why do I feel so different right now.

Oh right, of course, she's my girlfriend. Now I'm starting to regret saying yes to this crazy woman, aish.

Why did I even said yes to her? To help me move on from Soojin unnie.

I don't know what to say or how to respond by her request, I can just say no but as I was looking at her right now, she's pouting and it's awfully cute.

No words came out from my mouth.



Third person POV

After hugging all the members and the appliances, Shuhua finally calmed down. Soojin insisted to take care of Shuhua, but Miyeon wouldn't allow.

She can't afford the younger getting hurt anymore, but it's not Soojin's fault either.

Miyeon dragged the younger to her own room, Yuqi decided to sleep with Minnie.

After she gently put Shuhua to her bed, she mumbled something. "What did you say Shushu?"

"U-unnie help me move on." then the younger starts breaking down.

The older caressed the younger's back "Of course, I'll do anything for you."

Shuhua didn't respond as she continue crying. "If I were your girlfriend, I'll never make you cry." said miyeon.

Suddenly, Shuhua stopped sobbing, "That's weird unnie." Her lips curled up at the thought.

"Not unless you let me?"

The younger was startled as she felt sober by Miyeon's boldness.

She leaned closer, looking at her eyes longingly, "Shuhua be my girlfriend, I promise I'll help you move on and never make you cry and when the time comes that you finally admit that you don't have feelings for her anymore, that's the time we'll have to stop. How about that?" Miyeon felt like she was the one who's drunk as she had gathered too much courage to say this kind of proposal.

She felt so desperate because she doesn't want Shuhua to be all heartbroken anymore. Moreover, she also thought this was her only chance to be close to the younger. And no, she's not taking advantage of the drunk girl.

The proposal sounded so pathetic, she already expected Shuhua would laugh at it and say it was so ridiculous.

She's hopeless.

Yet despreate enough.

But it seems like the universe is with her side tonight....

When Shuhua said yes.


Shuhua's POV

I snapped out of my thoughts when Miyeon unnie hit my shoulder. "Yah stop spacing out, you haven't kissed me yet." she sulked.

I rolled my eyes. "Yah unnie, it's not like we're really girlfriends. I'd like to propose one rule."

She nodded. "Yeah go ahead."

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