Nothing but peace

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Shuhua's POV

We all woke up early today, nervous about what happened yesterday. About the picture.

I saw Soojin unnie this morning and she's so pretty with her new hair cut, it was below the shoulder short and she dyed her hair back to black brown. It really suits her well, I almost drool. But why Miyeon unnie doesn't look jealous at all?

Going back, yep, that damn photo. Why does something like this had to happen? Like as in so soon, like everything happened so fast.

Two months ago I was just crying because Soojin can't love me back, Miyeon unnie was there beside me while I cried. She was there without me realizing that I already fall for her, that made me realize that what I had for Soojin unnie was no love but infatuation. I guess?...

And two days ago we became official. Yesterday we had a date and I admit, it's romantic for me, from riding a bike, going to a rooftop café to watch the sunset in its most perfect view, lastly, meeting her parents that are surprisingly aware about our relationship and,,, they love me! The universe must be on my side until we came home only to see some pictures of Miyeon and I, kissing somewhere in public.

I almost blushed because it's us, kissing, but looking at the whole context, it was wrong. So wrong. Now that someone witnessed it, our reputation is at stake.

When I looked at the photo, our faces wasn't that exposed but if you will look closely you'll definitely recognize that it's me and Miyeon unnie. Especially for those who had memorized our features well.

I was left speechless last night as I really don't know what to say and do, I just clinged on Miyeon unnie's arms. I don't know why but whenever I do that, I always feel secured. She makes me feel secured. She brings me nothing but peace that makes me fall for her even more.

Soyeon unnie was frightening when she yelled, she rarely show that kind of emotion. But I understand why, I also wanna thank her for not trying to separate us. She even tried to cover as up.

We're at the CUBE now, I can feel my knees are trembling in nervousness. "Shu? It'll all be fine. We will deny it as much as we can. Don't be afraid please, I'm here." Miyeon unnie said. I really love how she always assure me that I will never lose her and I'm glad that she always did because the I idea of losing her makes me crazy. I don't think I can't endure that.

"And I'm also here for you, sorry I was just too carried away with all these things." I smiled.

Six of us went inside together, we're on our way to the main office to talk about the photo. As we arrive there, they only allowed me and Miyeon unnie to come in.

"We'll wait for you here, okay? Don't be nervous. Now go." Said Soyeon unnie.

My heart is beating so fast like anytime I'm about to faint, shit! This is fucking trouble.

As we went inside and closed the door we were greeted by PD-nim himself. We're not really close to him like JYP with his artists but we know our group is one of his favorites in this entertainment.

"So, you both know why you're here. Am I right?" we both nodded. "Well then, let's get this over with." He talks very coldly and it make me feel more worried.

"Please, it's not what you think!" Miyeon said. Her face looks so nervous.

He just chuckled. "I don't wanna hear anything from you, I know you will just keep on denying it." then his expression turned to cold again. "You think this is a joke? I always knew there's something different in your group." He sighed. "Your group was my favorite but sadly, the members were homosexuals. Did Soyeon influenced you with her gay schemes?" he spat the word homosexuals like it's something to be really disgusted of. Fuck him.

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