her unspoken feelings

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Two strangers met in this world full of pretension

Suddenly, your stares met mine

So I had to ask your dear eyes "what truth lies beneath them?"

I got lost in your eyes...

Like a spell stripping away all my disguise...

Breaking the walls I built.

Hold me, wrap me inside your touch.

Take me where your feet leads you for you are my home.

Isn't it love that conquers all?

Let's create a world that only us can wander.

I'll hold your hands amidst all these odds.

Rest assured, I am yours forever.



Hearts pounding rapidly.

Footsteps all around the place.

Audible murmurs.

Hospital rooms.

Almost out of breathe, she was running through the hallway with trembling knees making her lose her balance. Neglecting the eyes staring directly at her.

The traces of tears that's already dried up on her cheeks got wet for God knows how many times now. It would be a waste if she wipes it off, because it won't stop any moment.

Her sobs became louder as she nears the particular room she's heading to.

"Shuhua!" Soojin who was currently outside the room saw her. Her eyes were also puffy but it could not compare to what Shuhua have right now.

Shuhua ran and gave her the tightest embrace, but Soojin didn't mind it, she just hugged back forcing herself not to cry for the nth time as well.

But she can't stop herself from feeling a pinch on her chest seeing how devastated Shuhua is right now. She just kept swallowing her throat and gritting her teeth.

Shuhua couldn't stop crying inside her arms, so Soojin gently rubbed her back until she calms down.

As soon as Shuhua stops crying, the girls finally decided to go inside.

With heaviness, Shuhua came inside only to see Miyeon lifelessly lying on the hospital bed, black and blue, with bandage wrapped around her head.

Dextrose, medical apparatus, white walls, fluorescent light and that distinct smell where you will know you're in a hospital. Shuhua hates it.

The younger girl just came from Taiwan second day after the accident. Yuqi and Minnie heard about the news and they're still on their way right now.

Her breathing paced faster. In an instant, her tears began falling once again. Her throat feels sore already but she wouldn't mind creating the loudest sob she could ever do, she was letting it all out.

She didn't even noticed that Soyeon was just beside the bed, at that moment her focus was only on Miyeon.

Seeing the love of her life, lying on her bed almost lifeless, she couldn't help but blame herself.

They weren't even in good terms before they seperated.

She broke up with her.

She ignored her.

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