Digging back the buried

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Ugh why does he have to come back? Especially that Shuhua and I are together now. Not that I care about him, it's because I know he'll only cause problems with me and my girlfriend. Miyeon thought to herself.

She only agreed to meet him to tell him personally to stop wasting his time on her. She knows him, he'll flood her with texts just to let him see her. He's always eager to get what he wants.

Not Miyeon. Not this time.

There he is, sitting at the corner of the place. There weren't a lot of people inside and she made sure no one will recognize her.

When he finally noticed Miyeon's presence, he waved his hands in her direction, smiling widely.

Miyeon came near his direction and sat across him giving him cold stares. "What is this for?" She asked.

"I wanted to congratulate you, this is your dream. Ours, supposedly. I'm sorry, I didn't do anything for us."

The statement only made her chuckle bitterly, "Really, you're saying that now? Man, you're 3 years late. I am happy now and so should you, it's not necessary anymore to bring that topic back."

He just dropped his head down. "Yeah I know, I'm really really sorry. It took me this long to take all the courage to talk to you again."

Miyeon kept silent, she literally have nothing to say. She knew herself that she had buried every memory she had with him and moved on completely.

"Better late than never but I still want to apologize for everything. Maybe we can still..... be friends." He pleaded.

I guess being friends with him won't hurt. She thought.

Miyeon nodded. "Sure. Friends."

He smiled then rested his back on the seat. "It's quite some time Miyeon-ah, let's just catch things up and forget everything that happened can we?"

She smiled back, more like forced. She can't seem to be happy know she had meet her ex without Shuhua's knowledge.

They spent an hour talking about some memories they use to share. Jinhyeong purposely ordered Miyeon's favorite dishes. He knew himself that he wanted to win her back, he came back not just to be her friend. He wants more than that.

Jinhyeong is aware that Miyeon seems uncomfortable by his presence but he made sure not to say anything that will trigger the girl, everything seems fragile.

Until Miyeon finally felt comfortable with him and starts being talkative again. He even made her laugh.

"Can I be honest?" said Jinhyeong.


He looked straight into her eyes. "Miyeon-ah the truth is.. I ..... never really moved on. I still.. I still love you."

Miyeon stayed still, she low-key expected it coming. Right, he wouldn't come back and meet her for nothing.

"I'm not expecting you to say it back. I know it's messed up but please give me another chance...." He said. His eyes shows desperation.

"I-I'm sorry I can't."

"Why? Is there someone else already?" He asked, hoping Miyeon would say no.

"Yes. And I am madly in love with that person. Please, let's be happy with our own lives apart." She said coldly.

Jinhyeong could almost swallow his throat trying hard not to cry. What would he expect? When Miyeon left, he didn't even showed up as well. He looked down to hide his teary eyes. "What would I even expect, I was long gone. I'm sorry for coming to your life again."

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