Only for Miyeon

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Yuqi's POV

I kept my eyes closed before Minnie unnie could even lean closer... closer until I feel her nose gently brushing against mine. 

Although my eyes are squeezed shut, I can still feel her movements as she comes closer and closer to my lips when—

She suddenly dropped her head on my shoulder???

My eyes grew wide in disbelief.

"What are we doing?" She asked.

"I, I don't know," I answered, just as uncertain as she is right now. I was frozen until she moved back without giving me a single glance.

She chuckles softly upon realizing what was happening. "I don't know either, we're not even drunk."

I'm not sure what was that expression in her eyes before she stands up but it doesn't feel right to me. Then she began staring at me, "I know for you this is what you usually do with someone that catches your interest, in short, a game. But for me, it's not. I don't kiss someone on a daily basis, I kiss someone because I like them and they like me too. The last time we did this is because we're just drunk, and it's something that we will never do if we're in our normal state. I'm sorry," She breathes in for a pause, "for teasing you. I know you don't have a thing for me and... you shouldn't." 

The atmosphere felt thicker after he finishes her sentence vaguely. And now she's obviously waiting for my response but I couldn't yet... I couldn't find the right words to say yet..."I– yeah I shouldn't. I'm sorry." I answered nevertheless.

Her lips traced a small smile; a smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes. "But." I continued before she could even leave me inside this room.

The courage inside me has been building up when I gazed straight into those pair of brown eyes. "But this is not a game." I said nonchalantly, "I know I shouldn't, but I—"

"WHAT'S UP STUPIDS!" Shuhua loudly barges in the room along with Miyeon unnie while they carry Haku and Mata in their arms.

Really? Miyeon unnie? Shuhua? You guys had such great timing, I was about to tell her that I like her. Just great. Now when will I have the courage again?

"Where are you going Minnie?" Miyeon unnie asked her before she let go of Mata.

Minnie unnie exchanged glances with me and Miyeon unnie before she replied. "Oh uh, just going to buy food. Want me to buy you something?" 

As Miyeon unnie declines the offer, she immediately left the room with no more words.

"Yuqi!" I was snapped out of my thoughts when Shuhua starts waving her hand a few inches away from my face. I was clearly zoning out, staring directly at the door where Minnie unnie was standing earlier.

"Oh why?" I asked.

"Did you just spaced out? Say, what are you thinking? Or should I say, who are you thinking about?" she then sat beside me and let Miyeon unnie play with the dogs.

"If you're gonna say it's about Soyeon unnie, you're totally wrong okay?" I defended.

"That's not what I thought. I thought about someone else..." does she know? Am I obvious?

"Who?" I asked innocently.

"You really wanna know?" I know who was she pertaining to but I still nodded. Smile plastered on her face as she continues, "Clue, long hair, has bangs like you but her bangs have blonde streaks." Ah damn. I hate being so obvious, why am I so readable??? But what if Minnie unnie knows too??

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