Shuhua [Personal Chapter]

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It was just a month since Shuhua came to Korea to train and pursue her dreams to become an idol, the only person she could talk to at the company is Yuqi and Minnie. They are only ones that could speak Mandarin.

She became friends with Soojin too, she doesn't have an idea why she was so drawn to this girl. She would always watch her dance alone in the practice room whenever she has the chance.

That's when her little crush started to bloom.

One day she found a playground near the company, Shuhua was just a little girl back then, so she really liked it and went there to have some time alone. She misses her family in Taiwan.

That night when she cried because of homesickness, she tried going out despite the danger and went to the playground. She was near when she saw a girl sitting on the swing.

'That's my place!' She thought while looking pissed.

She hid behind the tree and stared more of the girl's face, she was indeed beautiful. But why does she look so sad?

It shocked her when she started crying. Shuhua didn't know what to do, she can't talk to her probably because she can't speak korean so she just watch the girl until she calm down.

The next night, Shuhua came back and the girl was there again doing the same thing.

Shuhua had a hard time sleeping because of that girl. She can't sleep knowing she can't do anything about it, or at least make that girl feel better.

That routine became everynight, same scenarios until Shuhua had enough.



She handed her a letter wtitten in Mandarin. "Can you translate this in Korean? Please don't ask why." She pleaded.

"Okay sure, but my Korean still isn't good but I am able to translate it."

"That's okay as long is it would be understandable. Thank you."

Yuqi didn't asked further question as Shuhua's request and just translated the letter.

Shuhua went back to the same place, same time along with her letter. She hid behind the tree and waited for the girl to come.

As expected, she did come. But tonight, the girl looked more sad. Shuhua didn't know what to do, the confidence she had built earlier vanished until the girl starts crying again.

She took all the courage to stand up and sit at the swing next to the girl. She then handed her the letter and because she was nervous, she left right away.


She went back almost everynight only to see the girl, but she's happy to see that the girl isn't crying anymore. The letter must have worked.

Until one night, the girl stops going there.

Shuhua went back for another night, but she's not there anymore.

And another night.

Until she had stopped going there as well.


A month after, Shuhua saw her again. But this time is different, because they're not in the playground anymore but in the company building.

She's a trainee, like her.

Shuhua had learned some Korean phrases, but still she's not confident with speaking it.

The girl flashed a smile at her, like Shuhua hadn't seen her crying for almost everynight.

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