Up all night

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Third person POV

"I know you missed her." Miyeon whispered after pulling the younger's head on her shoulder. She internally thanked that her voice didn't cracked. It surely hurts her seeing Shuhua like that again.

'why did I even put myself in this kind of situation? Am I forcing her to love me back? It was my intention at first but now, I don't think so anymore. Now all I ever wanted is to see her happy, even if I'm not the reason for it.'

She was startled when she felt hands slowly traveling through her waist, she then realized Shuhua is hugging her. She wasted no time as she hugged back wrapping her arms around the maknae, it was warm, it was comforting and how she wished time would stop at that very moment. It was the first time that the younger had initiated such affection to her. She only does that to one person.

They stayed like that until the older started hearing quiet snores. Shuhua fell asleep inside Miyeon's embrace.

'It still hurts. But It's alright as long as I will always be by your side.'

She tried to release herself trying not wake the younger girl. As she got up, she was able to carry Shuhua to her room.

Shuhua slept for too long, Miyeon decided not to disturb her since she expected her to wake up by tomorrow. The other girls told that they will be going home late so only Soojin and her will share dinner for tonight.

It was a silent dinner. Too silent.

Miyeon has been genuinely worried for Soojin but the feeling of jealousy hits her harder, the idea of initiating a conversation with her might look akward so she stayed like that until they were finished. Soojin is not much of a talker anyway and now that the girls saw her cry, she would never talk about it.

After that silent dinner, all they have to do now is finish the chores like washing the dishes and cleaning the table as they wait for the other girls to come home.

An hour had passed Yuqi and Soyeon finally came, they started filling the house with laughs as if they haven't lost a bit of energy. Miyeon waited for them since Soojin felt the need to sleep early tonight, so basically, she's all alone watching some tragic movie in her laptop where she could easily cry.

The two girls stopped laughing when they heard sobs coming from a specific room.

"Did you heard that unnie?" Yuqi stopped for a second.

Soyeon nodded. "Someone's crying?"

They followed where the sound is coming from and they found out it's from Miyeon and Minnie's room.

Yuqi opened the door right away without having the thought of knocking. They literally barged in the room witnessing Miyeon lying on the bed crying her eyeballs out watching something from her laptop.

They both sighed in relief as they realized Miyeon was just watching something that made her cry.

Yuqi came closer, she facepalmed when she saw what's on her laptop's screen. "Yah, you're watching that Movie for the nth time and you're still crying over it."

Soyeon just laughed. They didn't notice Minnie just came in and appeared on the room's doorway.

"I'm baack– oh" She paused as she noticed Miyeon's puffy eyes beside the two younger. She also notice the laptop placed on Miyeon's lap.

Minnie smirked. "She's watching Midnight Sun again isn't she?" She instantly rolled her eyes playfully as the two nodded in response.

She's used to it since she's her roommate. Her smiley face turns into frown when she remembered that Miyeon likes to watch sad movies when she's feeling down. What could possibly happened?

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