Farewell for now

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Shuhua purposely woke up early and went to the kitchen, she's expecting Miyeon will suffer hangover as soon as she wakes up.

She hates cooking but she's not ignorant when it comes to it, she knows some dishes that the other members don't know about.

As soon as she open the fridge, she took out all the ingredients she needs for the 'hangover' soup for Miyeon.

While cooking, she can't help but remember what happened yesterday. Her tears became something uncontrollable, it just falls whenever it wants. Whenever her heart wants.

Without Shuhua's knowing, Soojin who always wakes up early has been watching her from the very beginning. She can't help but to feel a sting on her chest as she knew how the younger girl feels.

'She really loves Miyeon unnie that much, she's the only one who can make her cook.' Soojin thought.

She was supposed to be mad at her right now but she can't.

'Why am I like this? I never loved someone this hard.' Shuhua thought. She's finally done cooking.

She took out a letter and put it beside the dish before she decided to leave the kitchen.

She was startled when she was greeted by Soojin's wide teasing smile. "What's that smell?" She asked.

"Oh I just coo-"

"I smell whipped." She joked.

The younger girl smiled. "Yep, can't deny that fact."

"It's good to see you smile this early. By the way, I checked dispatch's IG and they changed their profile now, we can finally breathe." She breathed out in relief, but she also noticed the dark circles under Shuhua's eyes pertaining that she didn't slept well last night.

"It's good to know that. I'll just go back to my room and continue my sleep." The younger girl said.

"Miyeon unnie sure is lucky. Sure sure, I was planning to taste your cooking. I hope it's okay?"

"Oh sure, it's okay but don't judge me, I'm not good at cooking unlike you." Soojin could only laugh before Shuhua left.

Shuhua slid herself underneath the sheets and closed her eyes to sleep but everytime she closes her eyes, she always imagine Miyeon being happy with Jinhyeong. It's stabs her deep inside.

Suddenly, she felt soft fingers gently caressing her cheeks and when she opened her eyes, she saw Yuqi wiping her tears. "T-thanks."

"You're always welcome Shu. You can always tell me what's the problem, if you don't want Miyeon unnie to know about it then I won't tell. I promise."

Shuhua decided to tell everything to Yuqi, she needed someone to vent it all out. To somehow lessen the heaviness she brings inside her.

Yuqi found it hard to accept what just happened but she knew, Shuhua's decision yesterday was a lifesaver. If she didn't do that, the photos would have been uploaded by now.

"I understand you Shu, really, now all we have to do now is to find out who's blackmailing you and send that person to jail."



Miyeon came out of the room greeted by Soojin having breakfast at the dining table alone, "Hangover? Go get your soup at the kitchen, it's still hot I think." She said.

"Thank you Soojin, you didn't have to-"

"Oh it wasn't me, it's Shuhua, she's probably sleeping again right now so you can thank her later."

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