Hangover ✔️

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Shuhua's POV

Oh God! My head hurts so bad. I knew too much alcohol wasn't a good choice, Miyeon unnie already told me not to drink too much but still, I didn't listen.

Speaking of Miyeon unnie, she's not beside me? That's weird. Yuqi's not in her bed too, but the curtains are down?

What an unusual morning.

My body feels sore today, but aside from my headache, I also have no idea why I feel so drained.

As I carefully make my way to the bathroom to wash because last night was really messy, my eyes accidentally fell on the mirror and I noticed something on my neck.

I just screamed at the top of my lungs... What the hell is this?!?

My scream was followed loud thud coming from the door and there I found Miyeon unnie, who just slammed the door, looking at me worriedly.

"What happened?!" She's running to my direction with panic in her face but before she could even come a meter near me, I pushed her out of reflex.

What the fuck! I... I thought it was just a dream.

"What the hell is this unnie?" I pointed at the hickeys on my neck. As far as I remember, she's the last person I've been with last night.

I saw the way her face flushed as soon as she sees the marks on my neck. "I-I, I don't know. We're both drunk how would I know?"

I frowned at her, groaning in complain, "Yah unnie, it was my first. You shouldn't have taken that from me!!" How could she? There's only one person who I wanted to be my first kiss.

"Yeh Shuhua!! It's not like I was the only one who digged into it. Look!" She yelled as she pulled the neckline of her oversized shirt.

And to my surprise, it's much worse than mine. "Oh Jesus Christ!! Did I really??" She just nodded, her eyes looked like it's saying I told you so! Was I really capable of doing that?

"Far from what I expected, you're the aggresive one here!! So stop yelling at me." And now she the one who's mad?

"Sorry unnie, I really thought it was just a dream. God forgive me." I rolled my eyes as I turned my back to her. Then I heard Minnie unnie's voice from the door.

"Yah! What's with the yelling? Really? Miyeon? Shuhua? Fighting this early?" She looked at us incredulously then pinching the bridge of her nose and groaned. "Ah! My head hurts, I'm starting to regret inviting you guys to drink. Yuqi didn't le--" I didn't here what she said after that because I already ran straight to the bathroom.



"W-will you k-kiss me again?"

"Fine. I'll do it."

But still, she kissed me first.

But what am I thinking for pulling her for another one??? Oh god!

Although, it was obviously shown on her skin that I enjoyed it, like a lot. BUT NOT WITH MIYEON UNNIE!

Anyway, it's kinda weird though? Why is she not disgusted? Does that mean...?

I hate my mind but now I'm thinking about her being suspiciously gay like me.

Weird but it feels unfair that I'm not her first kiss like how she is with me. Ah I shouldn't have drank to much, I just hope things wouldn't get awkward between us now.

I still hate her though! I hate her for stealing my first kiss and part of me wish she was Soojin unnie but that's impossible. Soojin unnie would never kiss me.

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