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Third person POV

Another typical morning for Shuhua waking up by the sun's rays hitting her pale skin which doesn't annoy her anymore and the smell of lavender coming from the girl sleeping next to her. Miyeon. Which surprisingly doesn't annoy her as well.

The only unusual this morning was the unbearable pain from her head. Hangover. She groaned in pain.

Instead of standing up to wash and take breakfast, she face the older girl behind her unconsciously exploring the girl's features almost memorizing it from the back of her head. Admiring the view.

But she realized she shouldn't do that so she moved a bit farther and started staring at the ceiling.

Why did she drank too much last night anyway?



After the successful photoshoot, Shuhua and Miyeon already parted ways. The older girl looked disappointed but Shuhua's too preoccupied to notice it.

Shuhua doesn't really know where to go, but the only thing she knew is she needs to be alone.

It was nearly dark when Shuhua decided to go to a park, she sat at the corner of the bench while sipping the coffee she bought while on her way there. Coffee has always been her comforter wherever she go.

She badly needed this kind of space.

While spacing out she hears a mother and daughter sat at the other corner of the bench but she can clearly hear their conversation.

She didn't want to eavesdrop but she can't help it when the little girl initiated a topic that made her mom groan in annoyance.

The little girl looks so innocent, "Mommy, I saw my classmate's parents yesterday... you told me family has only one mom and one dad... but my classmate, she has two momies, how do you call that?"

Shuhua didn't try to turn her head to them pretending she didn't hear anything.

"Holy–? You should stay away from that classmate of yours honey. They're disgusting, they're not normal."

"But mommy they love my classmate so much and they didn't do anything wrong."

"Honey, those kind of people are not normal. They're sick, they need to be cured right away. So I don't want to see you with them, got it?" her mom said in a tensed tone, she's cleary containing her anger.

"But mommy the–"

Shuhua heard a slap on the little girl's hands. "Stop it now okay? They are bad for you! What if you become like them? Huh? Do you want me to disown you? Now let's go home."

The little girl was left speechless, Shuhua can hardly hear her sobs. She sighed in relief as soon as the two left.

She felt much terrible now.

'It's already 2020, but these koreans are still homophobes.' She thought.


'But what if my parents found out I'm gay? Or what if my entertainment too?' She got even more frustrated.

Shuhua had tried her best since she was a kid to brush off her thoughts about female touch that makes her heart flutter. But no man had never made her feel that way. The way Soojin makes her heart beats faster.

Nonetheless, the thought of Soojin felt like another rock that hit her all of a sudden. She felt an ache on her chest.

Her body starts shaking feeling number, she barely feel the tears falling from her eyes which she let it flow. She needs to release anyway.

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