Ends in the beginning

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A/n: This is the longest chapter I made. Enjoy!


"Tough luck, they're not here."

Miyeon moved her wheelchair where the switch is and opened the lights in the living room herself.

'I missed this place.' She thought, there wasn't any changes in their dorm for the past months and the distinct smell of sweet lavender are still present bringing her to nostalgia.

She looks back at the front door where her parents are but she found none. They were gone.

"Eomma! Appa!" She shouted bringing herself onto the door.

Before she could even go there, her mom appeared in the doorway with a bright smile followed by her dad carrying a particular luggage which Miyeon knew too well. It was hers.

She just looked at her parents, confused. "What is this?"

"The girls requested this but we didn't told them we will bring you here today, so apparently they're still sleeping right now, we think?"

"No way, but eomma I can't stay here you know they're busy and they will just feel obligated to take care of me here. I still couldn't walk."

"Who says we're busy?"

Miyeon was stopped by the voice behind her, the member who always wakes up earliest.

"Yah Soojin!" Based on her puffy eyes and slightly messy hair, she just woke up. The girl ran to give her a hug.

"You didn't told us you're coming." Soojin pulled away and faced the other rooms. "YAH GIRLS WAKE UP! MIYEON UNNIE IS HERE!" she shouted.

"I don't know why I'm here too, it was my parents. They surprised us."

Soojin noticed the luggage beside her. "Are you staying here with us now??" She said excitedly. "That's great then. We missed you so much unnie."

After a few moments when Minnie and Soyeon came out, Miyeon laughed just by looking at them. They both look messy and so unprepared unlike Soojin. But of course, the greeted her with warmth and genuine happiness.

Miyeon suddenly looked at her parents who were happily watching the girls. "What about my therapy?" She asked.

"It was scheduled tomorrow honey, you can enjoy you whole day here." Her dad spoke.

"I can't believe you two, I'm so lucky to have you. I love you eomma, appa."

"We love you too honey, but we better leave now." Her mom said then averted her eyes to the girls. "I know you will take good care of our Miyeon. We have full trust on all of you. We'll be leaving now, Goodbye girls. Take care of yourselves as well." Miyeon received a last hug from her parents before they left.

The girls also bid their goodbyes to Miyeon's parents, and now brought back their attention back to the oldest.

"Yah, none of you tried visiting me for two whole weeks. I was so alone."

The girls shared glances which was unknown to Miyeon. "It's because we were busy last two weeks, but now we're not." said Soyeon.

"Where are the maknaes?"

Minnie volunteered to go to the maknae's room and came out with only Yuqi by her side.

"Unnie!" Yuqi excitedly ran and almost jumped into her. "You finally agreed staying here."

"I was just as surprised as you." She answered and told her that it was her parents that brought her here.

And there's only one left missing.

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