Behind it all

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"Hello?...... It's me...... Yeah sorry, I can't send the photos anymore........ I'm really sorry...... You can change your picture now....... Okay sure, I'm sorry, really........ Thanks, bye." Jinhyeong then hungs up the call.

'It's about time." He thought after he saw Miyeon crying herself out of their dorm.

He was there since Miyeon and Shuhua came, waiting for Shuhua's next move.

He started his engine as soon as the taxi stopped in front of Miyeon, he then followed them.



Jinhyeong has been eager to see Miyeon even before they release 'Oh My God', he never really moved on from her.

He tried to follow Miyeon everywhere she goes, he has no courage to show his face because of everything that happened.

That time where he found Miyeon vandalizing at some abandoned place, he was about to go to her.

It would be a perfect time to talk to her since there are no other people that goes there.

As soon as he made his second step, he saw another figure walking towards her direction. It made him walk back and hide again, only to see it was another idle member, Yeh Shuhua.

'What is she doing here?' He thought.

Next thing he knew, they were hugging each other. It was confusing for him to comprehend what was happening at first but then his hunch was right when the two girls kissed before his very own eyes.

He didn't exactly know how would he feel witnessing that kind of scene, if he would feel angry, jealous or anything but then he realized something and immediately took out his phone to take a photo.

He left the place all confused and hurt. It took him time to accept that Miyeon is indeed in love with a girl.

'But I love her still, that doesn't make me love her less. I have to do something.' He thought.

So he went to CUBE the exact day and went to the CEO's office right away after consulting his secretary. It didn't become difficult to talk to him after he said he have news that involve the girls.

"You wouldn't go here if this isn't something very very important."

Jinhyeong nodded and handed him an envelop containing Miyeon and Shuhua's photos. The CEO gasped, "W-where did it came from?" He asked.

"Someone sent me those photos. If you want, I will help you with those. I will tell them to delete all these and forget what happened, just like that... IF.... you will force them to break up. Lastly, may I have their number?" He pleaded.

The CEO could only gulp and did what he is told after the latter threatened him to upload the photos himself if he didn't followed him, he defeatedly gave him Miyeon and Shuhua's number even though it's against the rules.

After that, Jinhyeong never showed up and watched if the CEO did something. As he watched the new Idle videos, he noticed that Miyeon and Shuhua became less and less with each other, that's what he thought.

The truth is, the CEO did nothing to separate them and just told them to avoid each other publicly because there are eyes watching them. That's his purpose why he advised the managers to keep them seperated at all times to make it look like they broke up.

Jinhyeong thought that MiShu finally broke up so he gathered all his courage to text her and tried to meet her up.

Much to his dismay, they're still together. He found out about that when Miyeon admitted it at the restaurant.

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