Safe in your arms

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A/n: Last chapter was really... Hmmp. I won't be writing any smut so yep.. It's either fluff or angst only.

This chapter will be full fluff. Enjoyyyy👉👈


Third person POV

Miyeon was the first to wake up, seconds before she realized another soft body snuggled beside her. She turned to look at it and giggled afterwards.

She sneakily took a peek at the younger's body underneath the sheets and quickly blushed at the sight. Her eyes went back to her face, and gently removed the hair that covers it.

'Oh to wake up beside this angel feels so heaven.'

She then heard groans from the younger so she quickly moved back and pretended to be asleep.

Shuhua slightly opened her eyes assuming that the older was already awake since she felt it moved, but she thought Miyeon is still sleeping.

She looked around until she realized both of them were naked on top, she quickly blushed remembering the blissful night they shared. She buried her head on Miyeon's shoulder and wrapped her arms around her. Waking up beside her became one of the things she came to love.

"I wish to always wake up like this." She whispered while tightening her embrace, but enough for Miyeon to hear. The older's heart starts beating in an unusual pace.

"Me too." Miyeon said, which surprised the younger.

"Yah, you're awa-" She was cut off by the older's mouth. She took a quick kiss on her lips.

She pulled away before Shuhua could even respond.

"Unnie it's too early." She jokingly complained then she let out a soft chuckle. The younger wouldn't admit it but she really love when Miyeon would initiate such affection like that.

The older just giggled and cuddled with Shuhua, no word came out from their mouths yet the silence was rather comforting. Both wished every mornings could always be like that. Being with each other's arms.

Their morning went like that, as usual, the six of them happily shared breakfast and lunch made by no other than Soojin.

Yuqi kept on stealing glances on Minnie whenever she has the chance without fully aware that the older has been stealing glances as well. The only aware of their suspicious gestures are Soojin and Soyeon, which made them jump into conclusions that there is something going on between the two-which doesn't make the other one happy about it.

Two days before going back to work, except Soyeon who have individual schedule for today. She went out with the managers after lunch, she have a shoot for a music video.

Soojin, Yuqi and Minnie went to CUBE to see some preparations for the song Yuqi and Minnie wrote and composed.

Miyeon had plans on taking Shuhua out on a real date as an official couple. They're still at the dorm since she was too slow in preparing things, Shuhua patiently waits in the living room.

The older finally went out with her comfortable yet stunning outfit plus her light make up to finish, still never failed on making Shuhua stare at her beauty.

The look on her eyes turned into annoyance when she realized that Miyeon took so long to prepare that made her wait, she pretended to look rather pissed. "Yah, why are you always slow." She pouted.

Disregarding the words that the younger had said, seeing her pout makes her giggle. "Heol, why are you so cute." She then hugged the younger.

Shuhua tried her best to look annoyed despite the curls starting to form at the corner of her lips, she thinned her lips still concealing the smile. She can't deny the fact that a simple gesture from the older can make her this flustered.

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