F&A-Cameron Monaghan x Reader

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"Y/N! Y/N!" I heard Cameron shout as he paced towards me and the paramedics, and I was sprawled out on the floor like a slutty chicken. I got the energy to open my eyes but i couldn't find the energy to say anything. "What happened? Is she going to be alright?" He asked with panic in his voice and I heard the paramedics reply back to him. "Was she tired before she came to this wedding?"
"Yeah... I told her to be careful though and if she felt tired to ring me and i will come get her or to at least sit down."

The paramedics talked to him for a bit until I heard Cameron ask the same questions again "What happened? Will she be alright?"
"She has a serious energy failure and collapsed. She should be alright... I mean 20 is a pretty young age to be pregnant so you will have to take good care of her and be careful. Just take her home, help her into bed because she won't be able to walk without help and just make sure she gets enough rest. The poor girl will need it." Was the last thing the paramedic said before walking off and Cameron picked me up and led me to the car.

When we got home, he got me changed into some shorts and a vest top, wiping my makeup off to reveal the dark circles under my eyes and helped me into bed. I normally have really dark circles under my eyes but right now, they were a lot darker than normal. He took off his clothes, leaving him in his boxers and he climbed into bed with me. He laid down and pulled me close to his chest. I looked up at him "Cam?"

"Hm?" He asked looking down at my tired face "do you want to know where I've been going these past few months?" I asked in a quiet, tired voice.
"Yeah actually. I do."
"I've been on set for a film."
"What film?"
"A Batman film. I've been the roll of Harley Quinn in it."
"So that's why you've been so tired recently? And what did I tell you? I don't want you filming anything drastic while being pregnant. I don't want you putting yourself in danger like that!" He started to raise his voice and I looked down slowly. I feel awful for going against him when he had a valid reason...

When he realised that I had diverted eye contact and looked down he paused for a little bit and sighed. "Listen baby. I only want you taking care of yourself and I'm sorry for having a go at you. I just... I'm worried about you because of how tired you've been."
"I'm sorry. I didn't think it would be this bad when I auditioned. It's alright, it's my last day on set tomorrow."
"What time do you finish filming at?"
"Should be around 4 o'clock."
"Alright... well you need to get to sleep like the paramedics say."

We both laid down in each other's arms and I had one leg over his legs.
"I just want you to know, your my boy and I love you Cameron Riley Monaghan."
"And your my girl, forever and always. I love you princess." Was all that he said before he cupped my face and kissed me. I felt him smile against my lips and he kissed me on my forehead before I switched the light off and we both fell asleep.

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