Chapter 0: Reasons

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Jungkook's P.O.V

It is a strange thing, but when you are dreading something and would give anything to slow time down, it has a disobliging habit of speeding up.

At around a quarter of an hour before the lunch break, our teacher paused the lesson to stand up, clapping hands in excitement. "I'm thrilled to announce we can, at last, make my idea happen. Our 'Month Of Confessions' is about to begin!"

The young woman stayed in front of the class, beaming, waiting for applause. Her pupils, however, did not share the enthusiasm.

"Err... Mr. Jeon," she continued, "has decided to be the first one to take part in this delightful tradition, that'll... well, hopefully... improve the chemistry within this classroom."

My parents did. They'd said it'd get me out of my shell, make me accept I was different from my peers when I begged for no more ways to make it so.

The teacher signed me to stand up. "Come on, Jungkookie. It'll be okay."

"But Ms. Brown! Seon already—"

"Telling me how big of a fan you are of my shape from the waist down doesn't count!" she muttered. "Honestly, kids, you're thirteen..."

I began dragging legs across the room, making my way to the front desk. Everyone stared at me with no anticipation, and I let out half a breath when one of the guys turned away, throwing paper on another boy. Nobody paid attention to his actions, only the teacher glared.

It took everything I had to gaze towards the figure sitting at the very back. Thus, I did not.

I continued the long journey, gazing down at my feet as more classmates joined the paper-ball fight. A single student listened, and it didn't calm me down at all.

"We don't have much time," Ms. Brown said. "If you're certain you can do this, I kindly suggest you do it now."

"You think Robert will...?" I whispered with a shaky voice.

"Don't be silly! He's the last person you should worry about." She put a warm hand on my shoulder. "Everyone, please!"

I kept playing with my fingers. Once you say it, there's no turning back. Once they find out, they won't leave you alone. Once he finds out, what if...?

A paper-ball hit my face. "He can't speak, Ms. Brown, he's a mute." Another one hit my head. I stayed quiet. "See?" The class started to laugh.

"Cut it off!" she yelled.

I got the hint. "I... I-I... err..." I tried saying something, yet no real words were coming out of my mouth.

Another paper-ball hit me. "Speak normally, god damn it!"

"CUT IT OFF!" With a sigh, the teacher turned to me. "If you don't feel comfortable telling them, you should just—"

"I'm gay," I said. "I like boys."

My cheeks curled into a bright smile of both relief and accomplishment. Ms. Brown was calling me brave. Looking around, half the class was clapping their hands, mainly the girls, and Robert met my eyes with his proud, shining green ones. My parents were right to believe I was strong enough.

At the back of the classroom, Kim Taehyung didn't seem too impressed. Again, I didn't have the guts to examine his reaction thoroughly.


"Tell us something we don't know!"

The teacher was ready for another attempt at dealing with the rest, only, Robert had stepped in a little sooner. "SHUT UP! JUST SHUT–FUCKING–UP!"

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