Chapter 45: Not Like You

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Jungkook's P.O.V

"We are going to have a blast!" I announced while pushing my arms into the suit.

"That's right!"

"We'll be the party animals," I said. "We'll burn the fucking dancefloor!"

"Yeah! We're the stars of this evening!" Taehyung shouted.

"And everyone will worship at our feet!" Adding to the outfits layer by layer, none of us could shut our mouths. "All eyes will be on us! We'll look brilliant, like two princes."

Taehyung scoffed. "Princes? Why not kings?"

"Why not gods?"

After a few more minutes of howling, Taehyung crushed on my bed and let out a loud sigh. "Who are we kidding? I haven't been to a party in years, and your past experiences with crowded events were... not so pleasant."

"Thanks for ruining the fantasy, you little shit," I said and threw at him a pillow. "I thought we were in this together."

Taehyung stood up. "But why fantasize when we can better reality?" He stepped forward, grabbed my tie, and began tying the knot for me. "You won't mind letting me protect you this time, right?"

I smirked. "I'm sure next to your sweet ass, nobody will ever lay an eye on mine."

"Excellent, protection achieved then."

We went downstairs once fully dressed, where my mother sat, sipping tea with the company of Mrs. Kim. The women's heads turned to the sound of our footsteps, making Mom jump up.

"Oh, look at them! Such grown gentlemen," she cried.

Mrs. Kim chuckled at her friend, who was cupping my face and placing smooches on my cheeks, her son meeting the same fate soon after. "Time goes by so fast these days..." she said.

"I bet your Dohyun would be on his way to prom before you could even blink!"

"You're making me feel old, stop that." Mrs. Kim rolled her eyes. "And Taehyungie, you look great in a suit." Taehyung, half-hiding behind me, thanked her shyly.

She was right; he was handsome, gorgeous. As the ladies kept bickering in the background, our eyes kept locking with each glance he threw at me: Stunning.

"We all know what happens on prom night," Mrs. Kim continued. "Try to stay in it, kiddo."

"And sober," Mom joined her. "Stay dressed and sober, please."

We couldn't wait. All we needed was each other, and the night was guaranteed to be a thrill.

I parked my car outside the event's building. Loud noises echoed through the walls. We could hear the music, shouting, and screams even from where we stood.

A guy and a girl ran out and towards the parking lot, giggling as they held onto one another, trying not to fall without their sober balance. "They seem to have had fun there." Taehyung pointed at the two, laughing.

"I guess teenagers need alcohol every time they try," I said.

"It's not just the drinks, can't you see?" he asked. "They're so carefree and clingy."

The guy led her to a corner and stumbled in an attempt to kiss. She giggled at him and almost fell to her feet.

"Charming," I stated, intertwining our fingers. "You're right, though, this is our night too! They'll take a picture of us together, and we'll dance..."

"One of us might be the prom queen, who knows?" my boyfriend added.

Following Taehyung inside, the floor underneath us was shaking to the loud base, yet, somehow, our peers were overcoming it. Some were dancing, and some were standing, drinking. A large, familiar group of people, previously known as 'the gang of douchebags,' was sitting on the ground, playing spin the bottle. Taehyung gave them a small wave when we passed by, then wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

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