Chapter 37: Friends

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Jungkook's P.O.V

My father dragged me out of Mrs. Kim's house with a painful grip on my wrist. "I swear I want to punch your face, but lucky you, I don't believe in violence as a form of discipline."

"What...?" I asked.

"Do you think I'm stupid?! Yes, Taehyung isn't a problem anymore," he said. "It's you!"

With my tongue pressed against my inner cheek, I rolled my eyes. "Things have changed, and so did he. I thought you'd be proud of how I treat him now."

"The now does not concern me," said Father. "You had many issues throughout childhood you had to keep in, and I'm scared you've been finding unhealthy ways to let them out lately... It pains me, yet you and I are only growing more and more alike."

"What does that have to do with anything?!" He was becoming more exhausting to talk to with each passing second. I did not wish to be there, to have that conversation, to listen to that man's lectures about things he didn't understand.

"Here's an advice, kid," he began again, "you think too highly of yourself. Never let your fortune and talent blind you, you're not a god. Don't look at others as if they ought to worship you."

"I don't."

"Shut up and hear me out! I'm worried," he said.

I sighed.

"That attitude of yours is going to cost you somebody important, even if your partner tolerates it."

"Who?" He turned around and began walking away, not bothering to receive a response. I knew he heard me, but did not pause. "Wh-what do you mean?"


Taehyung's P.O.V

"Gosh, I almost forgot!" Mrs. Levi gasped mid-lesson, pulling my attention away from my lover. Same as the day before, he sat next to me. "Your physics test results are ready, and it wouldn't be fair not to hand them out now, would it?"

With a grin on his face, Jungkook's eyes were following the teacher around the class, shifting with every turn she'd made to reach her students' tables, one by one. "Kookie's excited, uh?"

"Of course!" he cried.

I leaned onto the table with a loud sigh. "Sometimes, I wish I had at least half of your brains..."

"I'm sure insisting on studying with me will pay off," he said.

Finally, the woman moved closer to us. We froze, exchanged a few nervous glances, and looked away. The sound of her high heels began getting louder as both of us started running through our minds every question we could have gotten wrong. Then we got excited at the possibility of success again. Then, he began chewing on his nails, and I, biting on my lips, anew.

"Straighten your back, Mr. Kim," she told me. "I'll be honest with you, I feared you wouldn't do well with this new material."

She lay the marked sheet onto the table. I didn't dare to look.

"Taehyung!" Suddenly, I was choking inside a tight hug. "You've got a perfect score!" Jungkook shouted into my ear.

"I'm thrilled to admit it was wrong of me to doubt you, congratulations!" the teacher said. "Keep up the good work."

Once she moved to the next pair, I returned the embrace with a smile. "Thank you so much! I owe it to you."

"You don't... Did we have homework in History?" I nodded and took out my notebook, showing him I had the answers ready. "Shit! Can we stay here during the break? I'm scared that old witch might catch me copying anywhere else. She has weird senses about that sort of stuff, I'm telling you!"

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