Chapter 12: "Virgin Kim"

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Jungkook's P.O.V

Like a zombie, I dragged myself out of bed after hardly waking up to have a shower. It took me a while to fall asleep after Taehyung had left my house, and instead, I'd spent hours into the night laying on my bed while staring at the ceiling. Drained of energy, heart racing, and memories of our act were still running through my mind, his moans yet echoed in my head.

Kim Taehyung was too much. I didn't wish to compliment him since I thought others had done enough of it already, but he was incredible. The man was too irresistible, left me yearning for more.

I didn't remember his haphazard apology. It didn't matter to me, and I didn't want it to, I refused to.

Throughout the holidays, our school held a non-mandatory math course, which I'd told Robert I wasn't planning to attend. Yet, although tired, with anything other than numbers in mind, I'd arrived to meet my friend's confused greeting.

"It's a one-time thing," I explained while walking him down the hallway. "You didn't answer the phone, and I wanted to talk... How are you?"

"I'm fine, calm down." I felt horrible for kicking him out the way I did, and his words failed to change it. "I hope it went well for you, whatever 'it' was... Did it?" he told me. "And are you staying for the lesson? It'll be a pain to go through on my own."

I avoided his first question, answering, "I suppose it's the least I could do."

The guilt hadn't let go. I was so angry I had to watch him cry the day prior. It wasn't fair Robert suffered by her hands when he tried to treat her better than anyone else. Better than how I behaved with the person of my sexual interest.

A realization then hit me: Ember's pretty shit at math.

"I'll catch up to you in a bit, Robs," I said before leaving, "you can go now."

Searching through the building for giggling groups of girls, crossing corridors, passing lockers and classrooms, I'd spotted the one I was after.

My hands clenched her shoulders and turned her towards me, knuckles whitening against her sleeves' light-red fabric.


"Jesus!" Ember jumped with a hand on her chest. "Oh my god, Kook, you scared me for a second there." She and her friends began to laugh. "So grumpy..."

"You don't have the right to play with his feelings!" I yelled.

"Relax. It was just a prank..."

Her friend pushed me away. "The faggot got a little buffed, and now he thinks he's sooo scary!"

My palm was twitching.

"That's right," said Ember, "we've heard all about how you were crying for your mama while—"

Despite clenching my fist in an attempt to suppress the need, as she was talking, I let it hit her face with no regret.

"Are you insane?!" Ember held her cheek with mad eyes.

"Stay away from us, you freak!" Another girl pushed me away to the other side, two more stepped in front of her, and the last one left checking on Ember's aching bruise. Why did I have the feeling these girls were going to put up a fight? Even if they did, another hit and the trouble I could get into would double. It was a no-win situation for me now.

Bitches. I fled to the corridor I came from and punched a locker at my side.

"Come here."

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