Chapter 1: We Meet Again

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Jungkook's P.O.V

I took a deep breath and made my first steps inside the new school grounds. Since we got back to our home country only a couple of days beforehand, I felt like I was restarting my first year of high school. Although it was the last.

A new academic year, in a new environment, with old faces, but from long ago: Everything felt so strange and unfamiliar until I saw him. He was standing at the lockers, stuffing books and notebooks, trying to fit them all in.

"Robert!" I called joyfully. My voice startled the boy as he turned around, and the sharp move caused everything to fall onto the floor.


I threw my bag away and began running towards him with the brightest smile. After five years, finally, I was next to my best friend.

"Wait." Robert reached out his hand and signed me to stop. "Turn around and close your eyes."

I laughed and did as he asked, hearing his locker open and close again.

"All set now," he stated, fixed his glasses, opened up his arms, and nodded in approval. I jumped into his embrace, and he wrapped them around me into the tightest hug, not caring about his spilled belongings beside our feet. Next to them lay a bright-blue package.

"You're so subtle. I did not see it coming," I said.

"Happy birthday, dumbass! I can't believe you're here, and as an official adult... I missed you so much!"

"Me too, idiot."

Most absurd was the fact that we'd had a video call half an hour prior.

"Two little faggots sitting on a tree, K–I–S–S–I—"

"Will kill you," I hissed.

Turning to the source of noise, a guy from the infamous 'gang of douchebags' stood. That guy did not seem any different from the last time he and Taehyung beat me up.

"W-welcome back... Jeon..." he said to me, stuttering.

Robert examined the sudden reaction and turned to me with a smirk. "Told you, you look scary," he mumbled under his breath, later facing the other. "His parents fed him well, and he grew some nerve too, trust me. I'd apologize instead if I were you. He might even..." Robert paused to give me a glance. "...Want revenge."

We both stared at Robert blankly as he was wiggling his eyebrows, hinting I should do something. I blinked a few more times before catching up. "Boo!"

The guy fled.

My expression was that of disbelief. "How the fuck did that work? I have an adorable babyface, and I refuse to believe otherwise!"

"No, when you're angry, you don't. And remember how Ms. Brown told us bullies were the biggest cowards?" Robert grinned. "She wasn't kidding, alright."

I sighed. "Is that how you want me to be portrayed here? I came in peace, and I wasn't planning on an actual murder when I threatened him."

"Yes, that is how they should view you," said Robert. "You went along, acted a little aggressive, that's all, and you can't deny it was great! We can get some rest for once."

"I don't know... I guess it might be funny."

"I know who you are, you'd never harm anybody, but they don't," he told me. "I don't want you to be like them, don't fear I'll make you, I only want them to have a reason to stay back. It's like playing pretend, get it?"

I nodded. "I do. I'll play a bully, not be one. All talk, no action."

Robert raised his thumb.

By the time our conversation was over, the first lesson of the year was dangerously close to begin. We sprinted across the hallways, cut through the students, and, relieved, had even arrived a bit earlier.

Everyone was chattering, picking their seats, and I looked around, checking if nobody had taken my favorite place. Robert and I always preferred to sit together at the front corner of the room. During second grade, we estimated that sitting near the exit might increase our survival chances in case of emergency by a small percentage. Back then, we'd also calculated the exact numbers.

Someone was sitting there. None other than Kim Taehyung.

While everyone was bantering, a few saying how excited they were, the rest complaining, he was on his own, talking to no one, staring at nothing.

Some of his past, I guessed, friends greeted him with an awkward "hi." He stayed quiet.

I could not feel confused; seeing him anew had overwhelmed me with too many different emotions. The blood running within my veins became as hot as fire, my heart started beating faster, and memories kept flashing through my mind.

There we were, in the same room once more, years after, meters away from one another.

"Kim Taehyung..."

My voice made him gaze up for the first time.

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