Chapter 6: Jungkook's Type

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Jungkook's P.O.V

"No, no, no, no, no!"

I jumped out of bed, throwing on random pieces of clothing before rushing downstairs, half-prepared for school. Mom was sitting at the dining table with her laptop. Dad was preparing her breakfast.

"I'm late! Quick, make me a toast!"

He started laughing. "Are you an idiot? Do you not know what a weekend is?"

"Weekend?" I tilted my head.

Mom giggled. "You don't have school today, sweetheart."

"I know what a weekend is," I said, "but that means I can't sleep for half a day now. Not fair!"

"Why are you so lazy? All you do is sleep, eat, play video games, watch anime, watch porn, and watch anime porn," Dad mocked as he handed his wife a plate.

"I don't like hentai, and I study and work out a lot!"

"You can take advantage of the situation, Jungkookie. You've already dressed, don't waste the moment, perhaps you can hang out with your father instead," she said.

Dad and I looked at each other, startled.

"You have a great bond, although, when was the last time you went somewhere together, as father and son?" Mom asked. "He's always at work, and you're in your room or out with Robert. That's a great opportunity."

Her husband scowled. "Honey, I thought we wanted to spend the weekend together..."

"That was before I got the inspiration for my new novel." She sighed. "I don't care what you're going to do, but I need a quiet environment to do my job. Get. Out."

Not uttering another sound in response, my father went upstairs, returned fully dressed in a minute, kissed his wife on the cheek, and dragged me out of the house.

"You know her," he told me, "if she gives a command, we better listen."

We examined our surroundings and glanced at one another again. The two of us were very close, very open, yet, spending time alone outside felt a little more awkward than we thought it would be.

"How about... the movies?" he suggested.

Taking a walk to the nearest cinema, we were chattering and telling jokes, enjoying the fresh air, and pointing out anything that would spark our interest. One of those things was a fancy-seeming restaurant.

"Been here already, eh?" Dad smirked. "How was your date?"

The anticipation forced me to roll eyes.

"You mean that time I used your desperation to hook me up to pay for nice food? It was alright, really helped us strengthen our brotherly bond. He's straight. Besides, I have a type, and though Robert's cute, he's not that," I said.

It was the same old tale over and over.

"It doesn't have to be Robert," Dad told me. "I know you well enough, and getting a lover will only help you. You should give it a chance."

"I agree it might... I'd only prefer to date somebody I actually liked."

"How about trying one date with our neighbor?" he asked. "He's your age, handsome, and I heard he's bi."

"He's not my type!"

My dad scoffed. "I didn't ask you to marry, just one date... Seriously, can you even think of a guy that is 'your type'?"

I glimpsed aside and nodded, eyes then fixated on a certain waiter inside the restaurant. Physically, he was perfect. Ever since meeting him anew, that thought made me hate him even more. That corrupted heart was a disgrace to how gorgeous he looked on the outside.

"So it is him. That waiter was oddly familiar." He got my attention back. "It's Kim Taehyung, correct? Your eyes say it all. You're already furious."

"We should get going."

"To be honest, Jungkookie," he continued, "I'd rather you play video games than waste weekends on a job. Your mother and I work hard for a reason. You don't have to be independent at your youth's expanse."

I paused, thinking out loud: "He was there when Robert and I visited the place too..." It was clear that, for some reason, Taehyung worked there every single day.

The confusion was bugging me for the rest of the weekend. Why would a kid spend all of his free time in a place that disrespects him? Kim Taehyung was such a prideful guy: It didn't make sense. Yet as the weekend's remaining came and went, my brain had not formed a single answer.

Next Monday, I ran downstairs, praying Dad would be there to call me an idiot once more. He'd gone out for work. My mother stayed in the living room, face almost stuck to her laptop's screen, typing vigorously.

"Make yourself a meal for a change, I'm busy," she mumbled. "I. Am. Meeting. This. Deadline. Even if my fingers have to bleed!"

"Too lazy." I grabbed my bag. "I could try the food at the cafeteria. It might be... an interesting adventure..."

Mom wrinkled her nose. "Yeah... your digestive system shouldn't be adventurous. If you'll wake up at a hospital, remember it was because you were too spoiled to make a sandwich."

I'd found out later my mom was absolutely right.

Taehyung's P.O.V

When she realized we were back in debt, Mother allowed me to work whenever I pleased despite the scandal to which discovering I had already done that led. It was out of sheer desperation. Within a couple of hours, however, after entering the cafeteria, the frown I wore on my way to school faded.

To my surprise, Robert and Jungkook sat at its other side. I soon figured the reason was Jungkook, who didn't bring anything with him and was quick to find the school's food wasn't his taste.

Each negative feeling disappeared when I gazed at the two. The older leaned a cheek on his palm, staring at his friend with a pout, and though I had no idea if he'd done it on purpose, ended up acting like a hungry puppy begging for a treat. It didn't take long for Robert to chuckle and share some of what he'd made at home.

My heart melted.

For a short while, our unstable financial situation didn't bother me in the slightest. Jungkook was showing Robert things on his iPhone, soon, their laughter disturbing everyone around, everyone except for me.

I was able to watch them for hours. Nothing was more soothing.

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